Sunday 11 July 2021

A Clear Shot 2019 by AverageMansReviews

A Clear Shot 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there are flashing effects/colourful effects/miscarriage/shootings

Storyline/Characters/Performances: these components go hand-in-hand in one way or another. Storyline; it is inspired by a true story, generally speaking it is something solid; the pacing is fundamentally sound as it rotates back and forth in time, so this is where the Characters [Character developments;] we get to see some scenes of why these characters/performers are holding up this Electronics Store [Leisure Guy's located in Sacramento, California] and yes I would have put these characters/performers names, but in this case it would be giving too much of the storyline away.

The character developments and performances are what they are; meaning likewise solid, but however now this is where this project loses a few more marks; where we have this whole entire unless you are a white man everyone has it hard background and these characters/performers talking about different ethnic backgrounds a little later on; yes I am aware that this film is based in the USA and it was released in 2019 and I am in the UK and it is currently 2021 and yes I am very much aware I am a white man, I do understand that Cindy/Felix is experiencing loss at this point in this project as well; so I empathise.

But I am getting sick to death of this being shoved in my face be it the UK or USA, I may be white, but however I am physically disabled and it has been this way from the very beginning until me no longer being here and on top of that I have a mental illness which I have had for quite a few years now and I have made peace with the idea that I will have it until me not being here also, but there is more I have to put up with prejudism and discrimination; it's like everyone knows they can get away with these things, because unfortunately there isn't as much of an outcry for my section of society as there are for other groups of our society. Now for an example I could drop the African-American terminology, which I am crystal clear aware that it has references to slavery, which would instantaneously get me major heat and 100% cancelled. But because we are living in a superficial society it is very acceptable for people to use wording like spastic, cripple [I can use these words because I am what I am] and because I am very much broken down in one way or another [based on the grounds of this superficial society where everyone must be good looking and has no disabilities or illnesses] it gives people the right to talk to me if they so choose to like chewing gum on the bottom of their shoe and I should be thrown away on the scrapheap.

I mean if I was to voice an opinion or stand up for myself I either get told I am a male chauvinist and get more of a negative comeback or to go and commit suicide. I should point out that if they had put in the script; a white rich man I would have backed down and gone fair enough and just to clarify I am not a racist or against other walks of life, I am just saying it isn't easy for every white man and more specifically when are the disabled/mental health/others going to be given the same mouthpiece/rights to be seen as human beings instead of being shut-in and isolated.

I am not talking about taking anything away from any other group; let me make this clear, because I know that some point I will get some form of backlash probably from a snowflake, I am talking about equality and the backgrounds between people like myself and ethnic backgrounds  are different and I am not comparing myself to with different ethnic backgrounds, but however I also see racism as anything that can separate one person or people from another section or sections of people, so I have just expanded it, but our backgrounds are different.

Action: there are weapons being used; the sequences are served their purpose.

Art: there are some good looking scenes with sky elements or with seagulls and the sun and everything in this scene/sequence.

Comedy: there are little bits and pieces of comedy in this film; it ranges between cringe worthy to some attempt of comedy; for one example we have in short Hugh/Woods - African-American and Chip/Nesbitt - Caucasian having this conversation at the beginning of the film and Chip/Nesbitt putting his foot in his mouth in this conversation or I will give you this example trying to act and talk like an African-American [hence why I gave you their ethnic origins here.]

This film receives: 2/10, this film is poor; to make sure I am being fair and balanced if this film was much older I would have cut this film some slack about the white man thing, but as it is only roughly 2 years old as you can already see/hear my tolerance has very much been whittled away.


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