Friday 4 June 2021

Wasted: Alistair Black on the WWE Main Roster by AverageMansReviews

Wasted: Alistair Black on the WWE Main Roster by AverageMansReviews

What is the point of calling up anyone to the Main Roster from NXT?: This question has to be getting asked loud and clear by now, because it happens time after time after time after time; so seriously what is the point of Triple H and his people building the future of the WWE down there on NXT [for them to make the right sounds for people to get invested in even for people that don't even watch NXT like myself;I didn't have it at this time and this is just down; to time to hear fantastic thing] for a very high percentage of them to slowly but surely lose all their shine and momentum to eventually getting released? How about you save all that time, resources and energy and just release them before they get to the main roster, I know this is a ridiculous idea but it is no more ridiculous than what the WWE are doing to their younger talent.

Case and point let's release your real-life wife WWE's Zelina Vega for breaking your third-party social media rule, even though this was added in their contracts just so that the WWE could then go and start their own third-party social media thing where they can make more money of these characters/performers and these wrestlers/characters/performers only get a percentage of the money. On top of that lets denying Black a return to NXT, then let's just keep him off TV for months, just to have him come back with a glorious new persona "The Dark Father" to Vega being seen at the Capitol Wrestling Center [the WWE Performance Centre] for a WWE return? To Black making his physical return to Smack Down on Friday 21/05/2021 to begin a feud with Big E. to being released by this company is on Wednesday 02/05/2021 which I could be absolutely 100% wrong in the future, but for here and now I am pretty certain now Black has been released I can't see Vega coming back now especially now her husband has been released.

I have recently done some research and seen the vignettes of Black's new persona "The Dark Father" and you know when you have the right gimmick for the right person, this is what we precisely had in this situation. I have no shadow of a doubt if this company brain cells they would have slowly built him up in the shadows and this is one of those gimmicks where it; if it is done correctly the wins and losses don't matter so much providing there is storyline behind them and yes obviously I want Black to win when it is important for him to win just so we don't

end up in another Bray Wyatt or and The Wyatt Family situation where he or they kept losing so eventually had no credibility, but back to this Black situation for an example he could lose but it could take his opponent to a darker place to achieve it, so Black wins because he is in their head consequently eventually he is opponent becomes his disciple or Black is looking at the bigger picture so this loss is just a minor setback and get him to strategise about his movements.

If I was this husband and wife I would recommend they adapt this gimmick just enough to get away from copy right issues and I would market themselves as a package deal, because wherever they end up individually or together [I would prefer both of them together] they will be a major asset; AEW would be my first choice for them they just look and feel as if they would fit in over there and not forgetting the potential to work with Impact Wrestling or to be fair vice versa has to be an option they are both considering after their 90 days no compete clawes in their contracts are up [yes I know they end at different times but Vega could just wait for a little while for Black.]

Once again I'm sitting here questioning the direction of the WWE under Mr McMahon; because where to start you have Black which is very much in a model that Mr McMahon likes as in tall, muscular and he can wrestle. On top of that he could not say they didn't have anything in creative for him to do, because you just gave him new gimmick which everyone was invested in and for him to have his first feud against Big E; yes please all I can say here is "I can just see three big positives, this is why I believe every time something like this happens, Mr McMahon is unfit to run the WWE and hasn't been for maybe 21 years or more and let's not forget this gigantic, colossal point shall we; that Mr McMahon is the one that decided to call-up him and others on Monday 18/02/2019 just to get the TV ratings up [he was in a tag team with Ricochet, the NXT Champion Tommaso Ciampa and the NXT North American Champion " Johnny Wrestling" Johnny Gargano were the other ones that were called-up in a tag team until Ciampa unfortunately required major surgery to his neck which put him on the shelf for seven months; even though according to everybody [I didn't see any of it] they were having this glorious feud down on NXT, which at the time down there Triple H knew nothing about these call-ups [or one of the last to find out or know, but whatever the case may have been this entire situation was a complete and utter mess for everyone concerned;] I have to be honest I absolutely hate the fact that Mr McMahon can do what he wants when he wants without any repercussions and I'm not that stupid I know it is his business empire, but at the very least this week should be held against him to show he is unfit to move the WWE forward into 2021 and I do feel whomever takes over from him whenever that comes has got a lot of change for it to still thrive in these modern times [proper business practices; I know business is business. I couldn't sleep properly at night knowing on one hand I have the grapefruits to use the expression " independent contractors" to describe my talent whilst on the other hand having 99.9% control over what they do and what money they can make and these unnecessary budget cuts to their talent and other people, when they are making so much money in the first place and the cherry on top of this absolute manure cake would be this business deal in the Middle East and the commercial circumstances surrounding it and just in case you are thinking it may not be Mr McMahon doing these budget cuts, he is a well-known control freak, so at minimum we would have to sign-off on these releases; everything goes through him.

But then again I have been saying these kind of things for years and at this point I'm just wasting my breath, because he is not going anywhere; but I am looking forward to seeing where these wrestlers end up, because these wrestlers they are releasing the previous times or this time or the next times; the names they are releasing are just getting bigger and bigger and most of them are not veterans and even if they are veterans they still have something to offer the wrestling industry [backstage personal or something,] but because of the WWE's lack of modern understanding or vision I expect it to come back to bite them in the posterior; I mean it already has with Dean Ambrose/Jon Moxley as far as I'm concerned he and Roman Reigns [okay full disclosure I haven't seen much like very tiny traces, but of what I hear and when I see him online he is the real deal,] but so is Moxley very different characters/performers, but they are absolutely knocking it out of the park on a consistent basis, in fact I can't remember when anyone had a bad word to say about these two.

Everyone should take two minutes to think about Big E, because he will now probably be stuck in a feud with Apollo Crews over the Intercontinental Championship including Crews' Commander Azeez until SummerSlam 2021, so whatever credibility or shine that E had before this he won't have it after this unfortunately this is probably going to be true, obviously I don't want it to be true, but E should be treated as a big deal somewhere between the mid-card and the main event working towards putting him in the main event picture more frequently I just like the option to rotate my wrestlers around a bit so things don't get stale; maybe the WWE can learn something from me here; I am just saying.

But as this blog is based around Alastair Black; I will finish on him, look I know it is never nice to see or hear anyone losing their jobs, but it would have been much more beneficial for everyone, quicker, nicer [I know this company doesn't do anything nice; this is the company that deliberately extends their talent's contract even though they have no plans for them so this talent just spent more and more time at home,] but if it WWE wanted to be in hindsight nice they should have released this husband-and-wife at the same time and can I just point out that Black didn't see any of this coming, because they had just finished filming more content for his newest gimmick; but I have no doubt are outside of this company he will go on to be a massive in the wrestling industry.

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