Friday 14 May 2021

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE In Your House #2 23/07/1995 Match 3/Part 3 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE In Your House #2 23/07/1995 Match 3/Part 3 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Warning: there are some flashing effects/colourful effects at some point in Bigelow's entrance.

Match/Stipulation: "The Hog Farmer" Henry O. Godwinn vs. "The Beast from the East" Bam Bam Bigelow: Singles Match

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 6/10

Match Storyline: 6/10

Crowd Participation: 6/10

On Commentary: Jerry "The King" Lawler & Vince McMahon 7/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 6/10

Recommend Watch: 6/10

Match Total: 37/60 - this match is good

Comments: I would say this match is solidly good, as my Attribute marks would suggest. But it does feel like the crowd are a bit burned out, don't get me wrong when you come to watch this match; you will hear/see when it counts at any stage in this match slot they are still there and responding accordingly, but they are giving off the impression they are a little bit fatigued at this point and they need a little bit of a break; like get some food or drink possibly go to the toilet and they will be back and in this match slot we have a drop of another narrative going on in the crowd.

Basic Result: "The Beast from the East" Bam Bam Bigelow picks up the W. here; this is not one of his greatest matches here. But I can't be the only one thinking he is greatly underrated for someone his size [Billed height 6 ft 4] and mass [Billed weight 390 lbs/27 st, 8 lbs; if anyone wants to know how I know this conversion I just asked the Internet for the conversion ] not only that but a good worker, good promo, surprisingly agile for someone his size and mass and not forgetting his unmistakable appearance [head tattoo; flames covering his bold head.] I do believe he is one of those individuals that was just born in the wrong time of wrestling, because everyone knows if he was born somewhere in the late1990's instead of 1961 [in 1995 he is 33 years old; once again I ask the Internet] a certain Mr. McMahon would have strapped a rocket to his back and push him to the moon in to the Main Event picture.


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