Tuesday 18 May 2021

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE In Your House #2 23/07/1995 Match 6/Part 6/Conclusion by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE In Your House #2 23/07/1995 Match 6/Part 6/Conclusion by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Warning: there are flashing/colourful effects at some point at the beginning and at the end of this match slot.

Match/Stipulations: The Million Dollar Corporation's ["Psycho" Sid and/with "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase] vs. Two Dudes with Attitudes [the WWF Champion "Big Daddy Cool" Diesel and/with the New Intercontinental Champion "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels:] Lumberjack match for the WWF Championship [Additional information; 15 of the Lumberjacks were bought off by  The Million Dollar Corporation; so Sid has 15 backing him and Nash has 15 backing him; Heels vs. Faces.]

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 5/10

Match Storyline: 8/10

Crowd Participation: 10/10

On Commentary: Jerry "The King" Lawler & Vince McMahon 7/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 5/10

Recommend Watch: 7/10

Match Total: 42/60 - this match is good.

Comments: this match ends this Pay-Per-View on a bang; a chaotic bang but still a bang nonetheless. Now you may have noticed there are a couple of fives in the Categories of the Attributes [Match Quality and Satisfying Conclusion.]

This is because Nash can put on a good match, but with the greatest respect; Sid is very much a case of limited moves of any description followed by Power Bomb win by Pin-fall and if he has a manager with him all the better, because if you want someone to show up and portray a larger not complicated Heel that understood this gimmick really well generally speaking you go with Sid, this may be just based on speculation, so I could be completely wrong. But this is how it comes over to me that the match layout and other things of this nature was not his forte. But I digress considering we have been here once already "Psycho" Sid with [with "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase] vs. the WWF/WWE Champion "Big Daddy Cool" Diesel for the WWF/WWE Championship; Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE In Your House #1 14/05/1995: Match 6/Part 6/Conclusion - Spoiler Alarm! Link https://averagemansreviews2017.blogspot.com/2020/11/pay-per-view-rewind-of-wwfwwe-in-your_0.html and just taking the time to re-watch this match from a wrestling standpoint it is/was something on the whole a solid/good match with this clash of the titans that kind of thing and these two competitors were also protected with this outcome here; so from a storyline perspective without giving too much away. But in this match it is just really sloppy, hence why the Satisfying Conclusion I don't have a problem with who goes over here, the ending move is hard to believe that this keeps him down. But to leave this on a positive as I have already made reference to this Pay-Per-View goes out with a chaotic bang hence why this match received 8/10 in the Match Storyline Category; and not forgetting the Crowd Participation being 10/10; this is an excellent recipe for doing what it is designed to do and that is to distract you from the wrestling/protect Contender and Champion [I know this has been a bit long but everything will make sense if or when you watch this match.]

This Pay-Per-View receives: 8/10, this Pay-Per-View is excellent; it has lots happening in it in one way or another, I'm not being a gatekeeper here and I am only talking about the structure of this Pay-Per-View, but from a storyline perspective I have no idea why the WWF/WWE Main Rosters went away from this structure of things happening on the night like rumours going around [in short I don't mind nothing, just to cover my back here, I can't remember if anything comes of it in the future;] but because they are rumours the WWF/WWE can get away with speculation; they were just putting another layer to this Main Event Match and this would be a quick, efficient and a free way to do it or aftermath on the night which we didn't see coming [yes I am aware that everything is planned out.] But my point is this consequently it gives off the illusion of a news worthy Pay-Per-View and yes I know we didn't have the Internet as much as we have today. I have access to these Pay-Per-View's and all about them, [I try not to pick up too much information,] but I still watch them and rate them; regardless if their Universe has access to finding out any form of information, if they put on content like this; people will eventually be positively reinforced that whenever they tune in or buy-in they will be rewarded or if something doesn't go down too well their Universe will cut them some slack. I mean the only one that does something different in the WWE Universe/landscape, but it isn't the same which is good in a way but of what I have heard and seen NXT basically have the right idea, so it becomes as it should always be a symbiotic relationship of give-and-take. This is one of those situations where when the WWF/WWE can be bothered they can put on positive content.

Moving on with all these matches that we get to see all having positive attribute marks, because of this I had to reward this Pay-Per-View with another mark for having a clean sweep and one final thing; it is/was a good idea to have in the vast majority of the matches [minus Match 1/Part 1 The 1-2-3 Kid vs. The Roadie: Singles Match] to have the Faces make their entrance second, it gives the crowd a pop and gives the match slot momentum from the very start.

The highest ranking match on this Card based on Attributes that we see would be: "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels vs. the Intercontinental Champion Double J. Jeff Jarrett [introduced by/with The Roadie:] Singles Match for the Intercontinental Championship with 52/60.

The lowest ranking match on this Card based on Attributes that we see would be: "The Hog Farmer" Henry O. Godwinn vs. "The Beast from the East" Bam Bam Bigelow: Singles Match with 37/60.

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