Wednesday 3 February 2021

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE No Way Out 27/02/2000: Match 9/Part 9/Conclusion by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE No Way Out 27/02/2000: Match 9/Part 9/Conclusion by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Match/Stipulation: Cactus Jack vs. the WWF Champion Triple H [with Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley:] Hell In A Cells Match for the WWF Championship; Championship vs. Career Match where if Cactus Jack loses he is forced to retire.

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 10/10

Match Storyline: 10/10

Crowd Participation: 10/10

On Commentary: Jerry “The King" Lawler & Jim Ross 8/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 10/10

Recommend Watch: 10/10

Match Total: 58/60 - this match is top-notch entertainment

Comments: this match is the best match on this Pay-Per-View Card by some distance.

I am not being disrespectful here or to anyone; but after watching Mick Foley under this persona of Cactus Jack in this match; it just reminds me of he most definitely took way too many bumps in his career; on one hand it should be highly praised and when anyone talks about Legends of the wrestling industry he should be talked about [WWE Hall of Fame 2013,] but it clearly comes at a price [I don't say this negatively I just say it as a matter-of-fact and those that are better educated than myself on wrestling know his full list of injuries but I know for one example he has a missing ear,] so to finish this section on a positive his place in the WWE Hall of Fame is absolutely without a shadow of doubt well-deserved; after all he put everything he had mind, body and soul to get himself in there.

This Pay-Per-View receives: 7/10, generally speaking this Pay-Per-View is good but I am not going to lie it is supremely helped by this match right here without this match this Pay-Per-View would be looking at a lesser mark; either together or separately this night long narrative Angle, Jericho, Chyna and these two Referees [Hebner and White] do no favours for This Pay-Per-View and I haven't forgotten about Jerry “The King" Lawler; I think the best way I could describe him throughout this Pay-Per-View is a mixed bag really, depending where you are is depending what you get.

The highest ranking match on this Card based on attributes that is: Cactus Jack vs. the WWF Champion Triple H [with Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley:] Hell In A Cells Match for the WWF Championship; Championship vs. Career Match where if Cactus Jack loses he is forced to retire with 58/60.

The lowest ranking match on this Card based on attributes is: "Sexual Chocolate" Mark Henry vs. Viscera: Singles Match with 12/60.

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