Wednesday 17 February 2021

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWE Elimination Chamber 23/02/2014: Match 2/Part 2 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWE Elimination Chamber 23/02/2014: Match 2/Part 2 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Match/Stipulations:  The Usos [Jey Uso & Jimmy Uso - Real Life Twin Brothers] vs. the WWE Tag Team Champions The New Age Outlaws ["The Road Dogg" Jesse James & "Bad Ass Billy Gunn:] Tag Team Match for the WWE Tag Team Championships

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 7/10

Match Storyline: 7/10

Crowd Participation: 8/10

On Commentary: John "Bradshaw" Layfield, Michael Cole & Jerry Lawler 7/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 7/10

Recommend Watch: 7/10

Match Total: 43/60 - this match is good

Comments: as I have already said this match is good, it just keeps this Pay-Per-View rolling. Now there is a CM Punk chant for a little time; "The Road Dogg" Jesse James in particular momentarily pays attention to this for some reason [just to cover my back of what I can see by this camera shot;] As at this point in history CM Punk and the WWE where at loggerheads [yes I am putting this short and sweet.]

But back to this match; now it depends how long you have been around wrestling in one way or another, because this is either going to make no sense or very much sense. The Crowd Participation was positive mixed in with this momentarily upside down Crowd Participation [meaning; you're going to get some Crowds that are noisy and bouncy [for an example usually the night after WrestleMania and that week] where they are enthusiastic, but they may do it vice versa on some things Cheer for the Heel and Boo the Face or whatever they want and this is what I think we have here; we have a mixture between this CM Punk situation and upside down Crowd Participation.

Yes I know usually when they use this CM Punk chant it means they are bored or angry with what they are seeing or unless you're in Chicago or that kind of area [CM Punk hometown/territory.] The reason why I am defending this Crowd Participation is because throughout this match there is some kind of Participation hence why the Attribute of 8/10 so that is why I am comfortably leaning towards and upside down moment and this CM Punk situation was still relatively new and the Crowds miss him and one final thing at least this match was getting some noise, I don't know this from experience but I have heard characters/performers say in short "There is nothing worse than a stone dead silent crowd."

In fact the more I think about it; more I am thinking the only weird thing about this is; "The Road Dogg" Jesse James yes momentarily but clearly paying attention to the Crowd, I base my perspective on he is/was an highly experienced character/performer so this should have been like water off a ducks back to him.

Basic Result:  the WWE Tag Team Champions The New Age Outlaws ["The Road Dogg" Jesse James & "Bad Ass Billy Gunn] Retain their WWE Tag Team Champions

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