Sunday 14 February 2021

DC's Batwoman [Season 1,] Episode 17: A Narrow Escape by AverageMansReviews

DC's Batwoman [Season 1,] Episode 17: A Narrow Escape by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

4 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing/other effects/face scarring/torture/electrocution/strangling.

Storyline: it is mostly boring minus any involving Arkham Asylum.

Kate Kane or Kate Kane/Batwoman there's the door: she just needs to go now. I know she has gone I will discuss this more later on; she is just a really unlikable person and when things get hard she runs away, now before I receive any backlash yes I would be exactly the same if she was a man and yes I am very much aware that what she has been through lately it affects everyone in different ways, but removing those two comfort blankets of expressions [yes I have a mental illness as well.]

But having said that what did she expect when she decided to put on Batman's costume [this situation occurred when she wasn't wearing Batman's costume,] but it is still a valid point either in or out of the costume did she just expect it to be a 9-to-5 job wearing the costume without any repercussions on any level be it mentally, emotionally, physically or anyone seeking revenge I mean she isn't Dolly Parton.

Kate Kane or Kate Kane/Batwoman doesn't learn much from this experience in this episode; yes she tells another character basically not to do what she has done [Luke Fox; you know the basic character developments for this situation] but is it going to dawn on Kate Kane or Kate Kane/Batwoman that Beth Kane/Alice has had many more years of mental abuse consequently mental psychological change to Alice and as it relates to this situation that I have previously talked about in this review/blog [where she wasn't wearing her costume] is not on her Twin Sister even though she engineered this entire situation her actions are on her and her alone and it is worthwhile pointing out that Kate Kane or Kate Kane/Batwoman's mental health issue cleared up relatively quickly; so I'm guessing here she isn't going to take this experience with her and grow as person/character and try to understand her Twin Sister better on any level.

But then again this First Season has never been about equality [showing and dealing with any form of mental health properly] has it; it has just been about politics ticking and getting those TV ratings, but Oh yes if my memory is correct didn't this First Season fail to do that? Not only that but isn't there going to be a new Batwoman in Season 2 [Ryan Wilder,] because the first one [Ruby Rose] in short said that It is the right time to pass on the mantle.

Now I know nothing other than this she comes from comic books and this First Season of this TV program, but my point here is this; I have been around long enough to know that just based on the fact that this is/was the First Season there would have been lots more content for them to use or they wouldn't have brought this TV program to life and put it in the Arrowverse in the first place, so I do not believe they covered everything for a second, I do believe [I don't deal or try not to deal in speculation,] but I do believe that at minimum there were problems behind the scenes in one way or another.

My final point on this matter; if I should have anyone come back with a comment like "This TV program wasn't designed or built with you in mind." Now with somebody like me this; is a stupid comment to make based on the facts I have a disability, mental illness [newsflash they don't make much content for people like myself, but you don't see me complaining] TV and the film industries main focus is to make money and if it doesn't achieve that it is failing; so basically I don't believe in deliberate politics ticking or anything like this; I believe in if you are good enough then you're in [like Tilda Swinton as the Ancient One from Dr. Strange 2016] and if it was an issue [for an example moving on from one stage to the next] I would slowly address the gender or others in my projects subtly so the viewers get this gelling affect over this social politics appropriation effect.

Motorcycle vs. Batbike: this is a good action sequence where Kate Kane/Batwoman uses these missiles.

This episode receives: 3/10, this episode is poor; don't get me wrong the opening scene [before the opening credits is so good that I had to make sure I was watching the right episode] and as I have pointed out the Arkham Asylum component and other action elements to this episode is good, but this First a Season has been incredibly poorly written and I hope with the Second Season they put the majority of this First Season behind them in fact just treat the Second Season as the First Season.

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