Tuesday 5 January 2021

Birds of Prey [Series 1,] Episode 12: Feat of Clay by AverageMansReviews

Birds of Prey [Series 1,] Episode 12: Feat of Clay by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

4 things about this episode

Warning: there are flashing effects/other effects.

Storyline/Why bother with these characters?!: these two components go hand-in-hand in this episode. I am beyond fuming so much so I cannot use the words I would like to [because I don't use any adult language in my contents, but I have my ways around that a little.] I know I have just said this but I am beyond fuming with this TV program! Because yes the storyline is good; but what the hell it is far, far, way too far late in the day for these massive upon massive character developments in one way or another regardless if this is just the first series going on to the second series or just a standalone series [which this is,] yes everywhere you look there is either relatively new [from the previous episode between Kyle/The Huntress and Detective Reese] or brand-new character developments in this episode for one example as it relates to Pennyworth willingly letting out this Earth shattering secret, which he would never ever, never ever, never ever do this; so I have absolutely no idea why they would have him do this in this TV program, because as I have just made very 110% transparent he would never ever willingly do this [okay he may tell his replacement on his deathbed or you know a desperate situation] but nothing like this in this episode that is for sure, so I am very not happy with this version of Pennyworth now [yes even though I said the complete opposite in the review of Episode 2: Slick, all I can say is; how times have changed.]I mean why the hell did they bother wasting so much of this series on in comparison to this episode; episodes which can now be seen as a waste of time.

These man-made sculptures: in one way or another there are these man-made sculptures; for one example there is one in somebody's prism at Arkham Asylum [yes I know who it is, I am deliberately leaving out the name, because I don't want to give it away;] but they are all good.

This episode receives: 8/10, this episode is excellent; now as a professional I would say as an individual episode this is excellent because it has many things happening in it; consequently it has so much to offer its viewers.

But in the bigger picture; I really, really, really, really strongly didn't like this episode. I really didn't enjoy watching/as you may have got the less than subtle hint by now it made me infuriated/angry on the grounds that for a lot of this series it hasn't been anywhere near this kind of standard or developments or anything and to see what we could have had and what we should have had before the final episode of this series ever; well it is just massive donkey diarrhea piles.


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