Wednesday 9 December 2020

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 34 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 34 by AverageMansReview

Just a heads up: usually I would separate these two wrestling promotions into two different sections. But as it relates to this Volume as they have a lot to do with one another, I was thinking it would be much easier just to combine them together.

Are the WWE in strategic trouble?: I would say without a shadow of a doubt yes absolutely. Well let's be honest it started at the beginning of this year when the WWE decided to go from the biggest UK Sports Networks [Sky Sports] to one of the smallest BT Sports, which basically gave up the UK market for AEW to take over, you see AEW were smart they decided to go into business with ITV, specifically ITV4 which if you don't know you have a larger number of people that have access to this channel than Sky Sports which basically means it is like fishing in a barrel, yes people still have to watch the product, but we are still talking about potentially millions and millions and millions and so on of people watching AEW: Dynamite on a weekly basis [Friday nights,] and ITV Box Office had the rights to show AEW Pay-Per-Views before ITV Box Office ceased in January of this year ; the UK and Ireland can now watch them on Fite TV which is an online payment service. But I digress which you have to say at the time or in hindsight this is a strange business strategy if the WWE want AEW to go out of business [instead of just using NXT to take away the viewers on Wednesdays, I will discuss NXT more later on in this blog,] but gifting the UK Market with a little ribbon tight in a little bow on top is beyond a strange thing to do if you want a potential threat to go out of business preferably sooner rather than later and If AEW and other wrestling promotions are willing to work together this clearly must spell trouble for the WWE long-term. Meaning short-term it won't affect them too much; because they have so, so, so much money and resources, but if I was the WWE I would be more concerned with the snowball effect which is very, very slowly gathering speed at this point.

But 5 or 10 years down the line it may be a completely different story, because the talent may be contracted to one Promotion but it may become extremely commonplace to allow talent to go and work for other wrestling promotions within their partnership [for here and now like we see some AEW talent just for one example have the option to go and wrestle for New Japan Pro Wrestling.]

I think this landscape changing idea is well overdue in the wrestling industry [but once again for here and now, I would stress caution just because of this global pandemic and everyone involved taking the proper precautions.]

So here is the landscape changing question; why would anyone in the future want to sign with the WWE under their present restrictions and politics of their contracts? When you could go and sign for an example AEW and have the potential opportunities to go and wrestle for Impact Wrestling as well and yes you will still get to performers still wanting to sign with the WWE just based on the grounds that they are in their minds; the Holy Grail of Professional Wrestling which before I receive backlash of some degree; yes this may be true in the current landscape and potentially in the future as well.

Speaking of Impact Wrestling I think I did say at some point [it may be somewhere in a blog] that I gave Impact a few minutes and then I turned it over and I wasn't going back or something to this effect [let's be honest I have done quite a lot of blogs in my time, so it may be around here somewhere or not I remember saying something to this effect, I am pretty sure I put it in a blog.] But my point here is; it looks like Don Callis and Scott D'Amore [full disclosure; I know either at most the tiniest thing or nothing about these two individuals] but they have really turned around Impact Wrestling and made it relevant again; I may be outside of their fan base nowadays, so I don't know the ins and outs, but a lot of praise has to go to Don Callis and Scott D'Amore and the people they have working around them to get this company back on its feet again.

I may give them a look again sometime down the line who knows? This may just be down to time or the lack of it because there is just one of me and creating any content takes time, I could always series-link it and have a look [on Friday nights/Saturdays mornings on 5STAR in the UK.]

But when you have the option of getting better treated and space to grow on every single level with better options of wrestling as in potentially multiple Wrestling Promotions so in reality you are contracted to a Wrestling Promotion, but also a little bit more flexible so in essence you are; for the life of me I cannot remember these two words, it will come to me in a minute... Oh yes I remember more like an Independent Contractor.

The WWE really needs to focus on what is best for them instead of going up against AEW; I find it massively infuriating that they are basically hanging NXT out to dry every Wednesday going up against AEW: Dynamite.

The WWE need to move NXT to another night for it to re-establish and grow itself of what I've seen of NXT there is no reason for it to reach between 900,000 to a million viewers consistently and the same goes for AEW: Dynamite, yes I have only seen a little bit of  NXT and this is again just down to time and creating content, but I hate this Brand just being used just to take fans away from AEW: Dynamite; In short this high quality Brand known as NXT deserves so, so, so much more better treatment and respect.

So I was thinking I would leave this blog on a joke; the WWE has won the Cynopsis Media Award For COVID-19 Awareness Campaign, this has to be a joke right? No one in their right mind would give this Award to any Wrestling Promotion/global company that has from day one not taken this global pandemic seriously, having outbreaks of this global pandemic under their umbrella, punishing their characters/performers that don't feel comfortable working through this global pandemic even though they said they wouldn't be punished including informing their personnel of any job title not to make it public knowledge on social media that they have been infected by this global pandemic, releasing a large numbers of their talent or other personal or furloughing them to bring them back at a later date [and still releasing after this event as well,] when they so didn't need to take this route based on the grounds they are financially secure even with all these people on their payroll [of what I have heard and understand they are heading for their most profitable year yet] and not forgetting the ever so, so tiny detail of this company insuring with a lot of money that wrestling is an essential business when it so isn't; but then again what do I know they have just been given an Award for all of this.

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