Friday 25 December 2020

Suburban Commando 1991 by AverageMansReviews

Suburban Commando 1991 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/electrocution/animal cruelty/decapitation/squashing/transformation

Storyline: and the pacing are both something safe and reliable.

Action/Comedy: now these two components go hand-in-hand in this project it could be our lead character Ramsey/Hogan trying to help out this Mime in one way or another in these separate occasions or helping out this young girl get down from the tree.

Action individually; there are weapons being used, combat Oh yes I should point out that Ramsey/Hogan goes one-on-one with Hutch/Calaway a.k.a. WWE's The Undertaker at some point in this film.

Comedy individually; we have this Ramsey's/Hogan space shuttle eventually running out of power, but before it does it just has enough power to reach this abandoned big garage type of building and then it falls like a led balloon through its roof or this Asian businessman [Mr. Zukaki/Narita] saying what he really thinks by subtitles and his interpreter taking the diplomatic route by saying something else but relevant to the situation at hand.

Characters/Performances: including the on screen chemistry all three of these components are what they are; when you come to watch and experience this film; you know they are a solid representation of their character types; there is good on-screen chemistry between Ramsey/Hogan and Charlie Wilcox/Lloyd.

This film receives: 5/10, this film is mixed; meaning not to repeat myself here but it is what it is harmless, action, comedy, cheesiness and in hindsight it is good it came out in the 1990's because on one hand it does feel and look like a film from this time in history and it doesn't do anything wrong in the comedy department being heavily goofy, but I couldn't see this project being greenlighted by today's standards minus this global pandemic or yes maybe as a B. film or a WWE Studio project/production or even an online subscription original content project/production.



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