Friday 25 December 2020

Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn 2020 by AverageMansReviews

Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn 2020 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

 Warning: there are colourful/flashing effects and an element of animal cruelty in this project.

Just a heads up: as everyone should know by now I don't use any adult language in my blogs, but I do have ways around it as you will read, but whilst I am being honest my language whilst watching this project was of the strongest adult varieties even after watching it I was still using it.

Storyline: this is purely a tornado of donkey diarrhea, I mean I have no idea what they were going for here other than as I have already said a tornado of donkey diarrhea.

The movement of this project is just a complete write-off [as in if you were unfortunately in a car accident you may as well write off this vehicle it would cost too much to repair even with the insurance.]

As this storyline likes to go backwards and forwards into other storyline components be it origin or back story [yes we even get a rewind,] newsflash I really couldn't or don't care because we have either seen it in a previous film title [Suicide Squad 2016] as it relates to Harley Quinn or as it relates to the other characters Renee Montoya, Helena Bertinelli/The Huntress and Dinah Lance/Black Canary [better known as Birds of Prey,] when as it stands I have looked at these performers upcoming films [full disclosure when this review was first dictated it was Friday, 22 May 2020 & Saturday, May 2020] so everything could change but as things stand there is no sign of using these characters/performers again including this character Cassandra Cain, so it was a complete waste of time introducing these characters individually or as the Birds of Prey wasn't it really! And I just realized you even have the Birds of Prey in this title so even this is beyond stupid if you're not down to use the Birds of Prey again isn't it?! When we are guaranteed to at least get one more film with Harley Quinn [The Suicide Squad 2021,] yes there could be more on the way but this one is guaranteed at the moment.

The thing is after about 10 minutes I was already using adult language, because I already understood that this film is terrible and then it takes up to 51 minutes to show its potential and from here onwards it is still a rocky road but at least it isn't terrible, only around the final quarter of this disaster of a project does it show its true potential and what it should have been the whole way through and just not roughly around the final quarter or slightly more [just to cover my back but somewhere around here.]

Action/Art/Comedy: Ring, ring, ring Apologies I have to go and answer that telephone call. "Hello there, yes I am busy reviewing Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn, Oh it's for you, it's the early 2000's their asking for their action sequence style back? They say "It wasn't fun to watch back then and certainly isn't fun to watch now." Okay thank you for your telephone call, I have passed on the message."

If it should happen you have no idea what I'm talking about, the slow-motion attack thing [you'll know it when you see it;] it didn't interest me back then and guess what it doesn't interest me now, the only very tiny small element I like of this; when we have Quinn/Robbie kicking this mobile telephone into Montoya/Perez head.

But this is not going to be the last time I say something to this effect the final quarter of this project as it relates to the action sequences are carnage until the closing credits

Art; the opening component to this film [Harley Quinn's origin storyline] in the style of cartoon or singing [Dinah Lance/Black Canary/Smollett-Bell] or the Hyena [Bruce] or the final section be it The Fun House or after this or in the first wave of the closing credits.


Comedy; for a large amount of this project it is garbage; the egg sandwich thing just strongly annoys me and then on top of that Quinn/Robbie breaking the fourth-wall for a moment [I wouldn't have minded this; but it doesn't feel natural]. But once again later on in this project it begins to do the style of comedy which it should have been doing from the beginning for just two examples; Quinn/Robbie sharing red liquorice with Bruce like Lady & The Tramp or her missing guns.

Characters/Performers: to somewhat speed this up I will say after the 51st minute the character developments begin to develop where I really apologize for repeating myself but in my defence this is how this film is roughly around the final quarter these characters/performers seem to be on the same level as it relates to their character developments and consequently they have on-screen chemistry.

But the problem is the Arrowverse took Helena Bertinelli/The Huntress [I could remember this name, but I still had to go and make sure she was in this TV program] and Dinah Lance/Black Canary much, much more seriously and yes I may vaguely remember Helena Bertinelli/The Huntress in this universe like she was in it, but then I looked at this version and even though I can't remember too much about it I feel supremely comfortable saying this version has been treated as a joke.

The colossal problem during and after this project is where does Quinn/Robbie go from here, before this film I would say she was on the same level as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman/Gadot and Arthur Curry/Aquaman/Momoa as in characters and their performers which are the DCEU [DC Extended Universe or whatever name they want to called there cinematic universe] crown jewels that will make them lots of money at the box office.

Right I want this to be known on reflection with something dawning on me as I was just about to put this review into post-production this is not an out and out Harley Quinn film so consequently it changes my perspective slightly it is still going to be overwhelmingly negative, but I have more confidence to now say this; they really did put Harley Quinn/Robbie under the bus here, because as I am a logical/factual person her name [Harley Quinn] is not the first name in this title which now brings up more questions like why did they make this film? Based on the facts as I have already said there is no sign of them bringing the Birds of Prey back so why have them in the title at all? Why have this film based around them, if once again you're not going to bring them back? Why have one of your crown jewels in Quinn/Robbie be the only one carrying the burden of this project onto future DC film projects, so she is the only one heavily tainted by this project which she is; [before someone points this out on a drop of research I am now aware that the Birds of Pray have a series of comic books which the name comes first in the title] I am specifically talking about the name thing first not the fact they have a series of comic books, because yes I didn't know it but I assumed they have because generally speaking [just to cover my back] everything is based off a comic book in one way or another as it relates to these types of films.

Because like it or not her character has taken a massive hit in this project and somehow in her next outing they are going to have to rectify this massive problem, because based on what this project has done to her character any other character/performer with a stronger personality and presence will make her look like the odd one out as it relates to on-screen chemistry.

I know some people are going to absolutely have a problem with what I'm about to say next, but never mind, the MCU [the Marvel Cinematic Universe] doesn't have this problem and this is because they plan out many films years down the line so it is like a massive jigsaw puzzle so basically as it relates to just the on screen chemistry no one is left behind yes you still get different stages of their development like the new generation of characters/performers means the older generation of characters/performers but no one feels out of place [minus one by reputation Carol Danvers/Vers/Captain Marvel/Larson, I was thinking I would point this out before the DC fans point this out for me. Yes at this moment in time I need to review all 7 film titles be it live-action and animated.]

This film receives: 1/10, yes it does have some good elements or good components to it, but the fact remains the negatives; the strongly negative things about this project obliterate [counterbalance] the positives. [On a quick side note on more research there was a Birds of Prey TV show in 2002 for 13 episodes [1 season,] using the character Harley Quinn and as of this blog when it was being dictated I know absolutely nothing about it I didn't know it existed until give or take about may be 15 minutes ago.]



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