Wednesday 30 December 2020

Birds of Prey [Series 1,] Episode 6: Primal Scream by AverageMansReviews

Birds of Prey [Series 1,] Episode 6: Primal Scream by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

4 things about this episode

Warning: there are flash photography/flashing effects/other effects.

Storyline/Characters: these two components go hand-in-hand; the storyline is good; the character developments are being well-developed in this episode, yes usually I would be a little bit more specific but in this case they are happening all over the place between different characters and different performers at different times in this episode.

But for one example; the conversation between Gordon/Oracle and Pennyworth discussing Kyle/The Huntress and her parents [Father; Wayne/Batman and Mother; Selina Kyle/Catwoman.]

Masks: these masks look good; in particular the ones relating to cats; I should just say I am a cat person, so you may find the other ones more appealing and eye-catching art

This episode receives: 7/10, this episode is good; I haven't seen the next episode yet, but it is worthwhile saying these character developments are all good and progressive, but if we don't have a partial mid-series/season pay-off soon or eventually a series/season pay-off/finale then these character developments are going to be a waste of time. Now all of this may sound really harsh, but mixed in with my years of experience of watching TV programs and films and a feeling I'm getting based on my viewing experience of watching this TV program I really want to be wrong here, I'm already getting the feeling there is a potential of running out of time, in fairness and balance they could may be do some background work or something like this; mixed in with a partial mid-series/season pay-off or not, but after these next two episodes they will have to get their skates on with the contents and not the pacing to finish this series properly, this seems a good time to point out that yes this TV program was cancelled, so when I say properly I am just looking for a solid ending here and not expecting too much.

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