Monday 28 December 2020

Birds of Prey [Series 1,] Episode 3: Prey for the Hunter by AverageMansReviews

Birds of Prey [Series 1,] Episode 3: Prey for the Hunter by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

 5 things about this episode

Warning: there are flash photography/flashing effects/others effects/character on fire/suicide/prejudice and discrimination components in one way or another.

Two intros: this is overkill; the viewers have this origin/back stories narration from Pennyworth over this sequence of events and then we have this standard intro, can we please have one or the other, in fairness and balance I could understand having them both for the first two episodes, but now it is beginning to wear on me a bit, so I will just skip the intro the first intro; watch the little bit of the episode and then skip the second intro and then watch the episode. Yes I do this with other TV shows as well and haven't mentioned it; but in this case it seemed like a worthwhile thing to point out.

 Storyline: it is good; now as you may have noticed in my first point in this review, this episode does cover dividing people from one another [yes I am trying to put everything politically correct or at the very least so I don't get any backlash.]

 But in this case it is so-called normal people [I know Det. Claude Morton isn't a so-called normal person, he is a metahuman vs. all the metahumans in New Gotham; taking them out one by one.

So we have these points being discussed throughout this episode including Gordon's boyfriend Brixton's Mother Margaret disapproving of their relationship because in short her legs don't work.

But we get to a point in this episode where we have Gordon/Oracle and Kyle/The Huntress having this dialogue exchange and after this dialogue exchange; the point of this episode becomes much more direct, don't get me wrong you can still understand/feel what everyone is saying before this turning point, but as I have already said it just comes over with more directness which does help with the pacing of this episode.

Birds of Prey: Gordon/Oracle, Kyle/The Huntress and Lance; be it in different parings or altogether; there is good character developments and performances consequently there is good on screen chemistry between this trio [I haven't forgotten Pennyworth, it is just I have discussed him in the previous episode review.]

This episode receives: 7/10, this episode is good; after everything is said and done it finds itself at this mark [just to cover my back as it relates to the prejudice and discrimination components, I am pretty sure that at one point or another these two components get used, but it depends on your interpretation I just wanted to cover my back either way, but apologies if I am wrong I don't think I am still apologies.]





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