Sunday 27 December 2020

Birds of Prey [Series 1,] Episode 2: Slick by AverageMansReviews

Birds of Prey [Series 1,] Episode 2: Slick by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

 5 things about this episode

Warning: there are flashing effects/other effects

Storyline/Locations: these two components go hand-in-hand; this is where I should say that the pacing and the art have a lot to do with one another, which you will either like it or not. For me it is a good way of doing things for an example we the viewers get taken to the outside of New Gotham High School, then inside Gordon's classroom for a scene. By doing things this way it does give these episodes momentum and if you think about it; it is like a giant video game, from this perspective you go to this location and you see the front first and then you go inside.

Super Friends: they get referenced when Kyle says "Greetings Super Friends" [this is an excerpt,] this is a reference to the DC Comics and the Super Friends animated TV program from 1973.

Alfred Pennyworth: I am very happy with this interpretation of this character everyone knows that this character is very important to Bruce Wayne/Batman or any character connected to Bruce Wayne/Batman; one of the vital personality traits that this character has to have is; this is an everyday occurrence which makes this character serving the Wayne family or anyone connected to them of being a vital person in their lives with wisdom or being slightly comical or anything other he may have to be or be asked to do or asked to be or absolutely anything other.

This episode receives: 9/10, this episode is excellent; you may hear me say this a lot whilst reviewing this TV program, but I know we are only two episodes in, but already this seems to be like one of those TV programs that knows what it is doing and what it can bring to the table. Yes it may have the feelings and look of the 2000's cheesiness. But then again it is somewhat difficult to criticize a TV program which is doing the best with what they had back then [I'm not talking about the financial resources, because I brought that up in the previous episode review and it in a nutshell being expensive or something to that effect; even though they must spend a fortune on these comic book TV program reincarnations in today's world,] I am talking about the technical resources and that kind of thing.]

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