Wednesday 25 November 2020

Armed Response 2017 by AverageMansReviews

Armed Response 2017 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/suicide/being squashed/vomiting/disfigurement/drinking of human waste/shot in the head/stabbing in the neck/decapitations/from now on if I forget or missed out any small detail I am not going to worry about it in any of my blogs/content, obviously I will be concentrating and researching when it is necessary. But I just want to get away from being so concentrated or concerned about if I miss out or if I don't mention every small detail basically being so focused that I can fry an egg with my level of focus or concentration or concern here.

Storyline: it is something solid; but however the pacing is so, so, so, so incredibly slow. Wow I was going to say that "This film should have been 85 minutes long and no more." Because I was under the impression that this film was much longer than what it is, but that argument doesn't hold water because based on doing some research this film is only roughly 93 minutes long [full disclosure I did watch this film via TV, I used a little button called fast-forward to get through advertisements/commercials which I always do I hate advertisements/commercials.]

Action/Art: there are some occasions where these two components go hand-in-hand in a basic description the viewers have these first-person shooter perspectives and this character/performer [Ahmadi/Gallini] arms get pulled like a Christmas cracker.

Action individually; we have weapons being used, combat and this highly sophisticated lie detector chair.

Art individually; we also have some landscapes from the camera shot of roughly birds-eye perspective and individually skies with clouds in this project as well.

Characters/Performances: including the on-screen chemistry they fulfil their purpose and do the job they are designed to do.

This film receives: 2/10, this film is poor; now don't get me wrong this film would be in the mixed section of my marking system, because it either has some good things to offer or it has the components that you expect from this type of film, but the pacing really does so much damage to this project that I was so bored that this mark is a fair outcome and on a quick side note if there are any fans of Wesley Snipes as Isaac and/or WWE's Seth Rollins as Brett take a look at this film; but I wouldn't really expect too much, may be if one night you are having trouble sleeping put this on and your problem will be solved.


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