Friday 2 October 2020

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 29 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 29 by AverageMansReview

Just a heads up: I'm going to be a little bit more blunt than I usually am, yes as always no adult language.

WWE: well straight off the bat I can't wait until the day that Mr. McMahon is pushing up daisies. Before I hear or have anyone saying anything to the effect of "That is just wrong."To that I say politely "Please, please go and educate yourself about this donkey diarrhea pile known as Mr. McMahon."

I don't care what good this individual may or may not have done, the negatives massively way out the positives and the only way the WWE can move on in its entirety is if he steps down which you can ask any long-term wrestling individual the only way you would get him out of the Captain's Chair is if he was to die in it first.

Look in this Volume I will be focusing on something which has continuously annoyed me for countless years I hate this phrase within the WWE Universe "Independent Contractors." Because it isn't what it is a quick summary and in code language which isn't so subtle in fact everyone knows, it means the WWE have 99% of the control, frankly if Mr. McMahon wants to take his trousers down including underwear and take a massive dump on any contract he wants to he can do that or to be more precise he can interpret these contracts any way he sees fit to include or not things he doesn't want to.

So I'm going to be honest and say I don't rightly know where the characters/performers stand at this moment in time, because as I have just said it depends how this individual would like to interpret these contracts; so as it relates to their wrestling talent or on-screen personalities or others doing anything on a third-party outlet [Cameo and Twitch] yes the WWE has control over their wrestling personas that were created under this company and only using their real names if that is their wrestling persona within this company including everything as long as it is related to this company is forbidden without the green light from the hierarchy everyone with me so far?

Now this is where things begin to go unbelievably wrong in my opinion, so this company believes that they own these performers real-life names, now as I previously pointed out only if that is the character's name under the umbrella of this company should this apply, so if any WWE on-screen [individual of any position/role] choose to begin using a third-party outlet [Cameo and Twitch,] providing they don't mention anything about the WWE, that is their right to do so as Independent Contractors.

But no Mr. McMahon wants them to cease activity which doesn't have the green light from the hierarchy of this company first [of this Date: Friday 02/10/2020] and for those that don't will either get fined, suspended or terminated with WWE taking control of their Cameo and Twitch accounts in four weeks time and giving them a percentage which counts against their downsides guarantee [which basically means the money that talent can earn which the WWE would have to pay them anyway and once this figure is reached the WWE don't have to pay them anymore money.]

So as things stand that talent is changing their accounts to their real names just in case. But the thing is these so-called "Independent Contractors" still need to make money especially throughout this global situation, but there is one or two people that Mr. McMahon maybe fearing Joe Biden potentially the next United States President and former Presidential Candidate and Democrat Andrew Yang; Yang has been vocal about the WWE and this entire Independent Contractors, but not Independent Contractors situation. I am not going to be political, but it would be absolutely fantastic to see this company taken down a peg or ten, I should just dictate a disclaimer I am not trying to influence anybody's opinion, I am just saying it would be fantastic for any of these on-screen characters/performers to get better working conditions and rights, I really don't see why the WWE hierarchy cannot allow their wrestling performers and I stress the wrestling performers not characters or any other on-screen character to have their online third-party outlet, seriously let them have that space and money it is probably peanuts considering what this global company are bringing in [obviously I don't mean any disrespect to any online individual from this company, I was speaking factually so nothing personal.] I mean if Mr. McMahon was smart and in touch with today's world and if I was him I would be saying

"Sure, let them have it but don't use our characters, don't bring up any insider information like you don't like somebody, yes you can do a promo or shoot as your real life person and we can work it into your angle/feud on-screen, but you need our green light first, yes you can talk about wrestling and one final thing; every time there is a pay-per-view anywhere in our Universe you have to advertise it once at the start and once at the conclusion or if you forget we can give you a poster and you have to put it up on the wall or somewhere throughout your live-stream." Which I'm sure everyone would agree to this; I mean this is how you make your Independent Contractors feel happy, respected and apart of your company Mr. McMahon; instead of just mules which when they cannot give any more you just throw them out and get a new one, but then again your whole empire has been founded and built on this mentality in the first place.

If you don't think this is crazy this company are more than likely going to use different venues to film their wrestling content soon; yes in this global situation they are going to put their employees and independent contractors at risk of contracting it, it's not like you have had your third outbreak of this global situation at your Performance Center Oh wait you have two weeks ago. My very last point is this; with the level of control that Mr. McMahon wants you may as well make everyone employees, but he won't do that because that would cost him too much money in Health Insurance and it would give these wrestlers rights.

All Elite Wrestling: now as it relates to AEW I don't have much to say here as it relates to these topics; meaning they are more than happy to have their characters/performers do their own things and as it relates to this global situation yes I am aware they have had cases of this global situation. But here is a massive difference and why I am being relatively easy on them unlike the WWE AEW have been on top of this global situation from the very beginning, so they have done their best to protect everyone minus Chris Jericho be it from AEW's perspective or Chris Jericho's [his band Fozzy performing at Sturgis Bike Rally 2020 when there have been a massive number of confirmed cases of this global situation from this event] and just to cover my back before I finish I know as far as I'm aware so I could be wrong at this current point yes it is only the wrestlers that have another role in AEW that have Health Insurance from this promotion.


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