Sunday 11 October 2020

How to Play Football 1944 by AverageMansReviews

How to Play Football 1944 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/medical procedures

Storyline/Art/Action/Comedy: these five components including the pacing go hand-in-hand; the storyline it is good; to put a little bit more substance here we have this Narrator/Commentator accompanying us throughout this project [they are one and the same] and because this project is roughly around 7 minutes long, the pacing is always moving forward at a good pace.

The art [animation] has and will continue to stand the test of time; yes back in the day of 1944 and even in 2020 [when this review was first dictated,] this hand-drawn animation may be still so expensive to produce, but then again basically using this expression  "You get what you pay for." I mean any financial backer of any animated project whatsoever with a potential massive budget should go in with the idea or question "Is this going to stand the test of time?" And before someone brings up "But computer animation is always improving." This is very true, but then again you have Toy Story 1995 and that is still looking fabulous; okay little bit worn around the edges but still fabulous nonetheless and just in case if you want me to go even further back, how about Aladdin 1992 the escaping the cave sequence; there is computer animation here for an example which still looks fantastic, yes likewise a bit worn but still fantastic.

But back to this project; it brings its viewers into this event; I do like the birds-eye perspective from over this Stadium with red dots [Taxidermy Tech] vs. the blue dots [Anthropology A.M] and this yellow dot for [the American football or footballs.] Now with the action and comedy the viewers get to see the very high percentage how things go and tactics; the one occasion we don't see the action until very near the end of this play; is where our viewing is blocked by different things such as players, so unfortunately we missed this runback for a Touchdown for Taxidermy Tech Returner Whipple Smith.

Characters/Performances: including the on-screen chemistry these are all good.

This film receives: 7/10, this is good; if you like the NFL, you will like this; if you don't hay still give it a look just based on the grounds it is only 7 minutes long.

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