Tuesday 13 October 2020

Average Extra of: Netflix Cuties 2020 The First Amendment Defence by AverageMansReviews

Average Extra of: Netflix Cuties 2020 The First Amendment by AverageMansReviews

Real Talking Time:

Warning: I will be discussing politics and making reference to three well-known groups in this blog.

Well I wasn't going to do this today but it came up on YouTube [this individual did show his sources on screen as well] and can I just say yes I am not from the United States of America so I had to go and look up The First Amendment which is as follows "Provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise. It protects freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

In hindsight I remember now what it was I just didn't know the word by word but let's begin; this is speculation/an educated guess on my part so even though this film is French which is not covered by this First Amendment Netflix however is based on the grounds it is an American company and in turn making its contents covered by The first Amendment, but from my perspective being street-smart it is a very weak defence.

Because it means that it glosses over the fact what the viewers see in this project and just to cover my back; yes I have seen this film [you will find the link down below.] If anything it stretches this First Amendment to its breaking point, as far as I'm concerned we know these kind of things happen in this film, but to show it in this film in the way it does is the clearest example of hypocrisy and hypocritical I have ever seen in fact if dictionaries are still being printed I want this example to be used as an example to define these words.I mean the only good thing to come from this film is; I have to question why these people are defending this film [let's be fair without mentioning the negatives] or let's just say watching it consistently.

The thing is; as I have said already in this blog I am street-smart, I have brought this up again to make this incredibly valid point. If Netflix and this film are not held accountable; I can see years down the line of another film of this level of controversy coming down the pipeline and that project in question not only using The First Amendment but this case in its defence in essence this project will become a gateway for projects of this controversy and higher.

So I will leave things on a bombshell; if we have such groups as #MeToo, #BlackLivesMatter and #SpeakOut which are in short against heinous activities against people, shouldn't we all be saying "No" to this film as well using the same logic and understanding and for those that say "This is just a film." That is the problem right there on one hand we are saying this is not right as it relates to these three groups and what they individually stand for, but on the other hand we are saying or using The First Amendment to justify something which is equably heinous and is a social commentary in other words is "A reflection of the real-world." Which consequently makes it a real-world issue so it stands side by side with the other three groups in this blog; in fact I have just remembered the following;

The Director Maïmouna Doucouré 'It's bold, it's feminist, but it's so important and necessary to create debate and try to find solutions, for me as an artist, for politicians and parents. It's a real issue.' So even by her own speech there she has acknowledged it is a real issue, so how is this film acceptable when these other individual groups are fighting for in a nutshell justice and equality when this project actively is exploiting children and as I have already made reference to in this blog; this film is hypocrisy and hypocritical so it has absolutely no moral high ground whatsoever, yes I have said there is a little bit of substance in this film, but that is about it and I am really hoping that this First Amendment defence doesn't hold up in this case.

Cuties 2020 [alternative name Mignonnes] Link https://averagemansreviews2017.blogspot.com/2020/09/cuties-2020-alternative-name-mignonnes.html

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