Tuesday 1 September 2020

Sudden Death 1995 by AverageMansReviews

Sudden Death 1995 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is colourful effects/flashing effects/choking/stabbing in the neck/shoot in the head/man on fire.

Storyline: it is something safe and reliable; but we never find out what happens to this character/performer [Secret Service Agent Hallmark/Harewood] and on top of that we never find out who won the Stanley Cup and the pacing is dull throughout this project.

Action/Comedy/Art: we have some scenes/sequences where the action and comedy go hand-in-hand for one example; Darren McCord/Van Damme is doing combat with this hench-person in a mascot costume [Iceburgh; the Pittsburgh Penguins mascot]

Action; individually there are weapons being used, combat, helicopters, and McCord/Van Damme climbing up on the outside of this stadium [the Pittsburgh Civic Arena,] and other things of this nature and obviously this hockey match between Pittsburgh Penguins vs. Chicago Blackhawks in the final match series for the Stanley Cup.

Comedy; individually there are these very tiny elements for an example very roughly; Tyler McCord/Malinger dropping his father Darren McCord/Van Damme right in it; in front of this hockey player using something to this effect of this formula "My dad says you're too old to play hockey."

Art; we get to see the Fort Duquesne Bridge [now I have done a little bit of research on this, but just to cover my back apologies if this is the wrong bridge, I was just trying to match a similar background to the picture and this film, I even got someone to look, she confirmed it as well and yes I'm aware that things most probably have changed since the filming of this film] and the Pittsburgh Civic Arena [from overview/other perspectives; evening without lights on and at night with lights on; this is all good.

Characters/Performances: including the on-screen chemistry this can all be described as generic and as flat as a pancake.

Bloopers: Secret Service Agent Hallmark/Harewood gets set on fire by Darren McCord/Van Damme, but doesn't get killed or isn't significantly hurt in any major way whatsoever, in fact somehow his clothing survives; how is this all possible?

This film receives: 4/10; this film is mixed; I mean this project is solid, it doesn't do anything majorly wrong; but it is just dull from beginning to end though.

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