Monday 31 August 2020

The Marine 5: Battleground 2017 by AverageMansReviews

The Marine 5: Battleground 2017 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is colourful effects/flashing effects/medical procedures/shoot in the heads/breaking of necks/repeat stabbing.

Storyline: it is something safe and reliable; but the pacing is dull, I mean yes later on things do get quicker but you still have that air of dullness to this film.

Action/Art: we have a life-threatening rescue sequence as Carter/The Miz' Mizanin goes in to this unstable situation as this vehicle has basically been squashed by this falling building material, consequently this vehicle is half in this large crater; with this weakening remaining chain holding up the rest of the building material of this type of crane [this seems like a good time to point out the character/performer he is attempting to rescue her name is Ana/Mrs. Mizanin/WWE's Maryse] or some time later we have Carter/The Miz' Mizanin doing combat on the top/outside of this lift with this biker character/performer [involving a weapon at one point or another; two different weapons]  yes for everything else there are weapons being used, combat and chasing.

Moving on to the art we have this bike ride with this biker from close up angles and perspectives [this is the opening to this project,] this Fun Fair at night there doesn't seem to be many lights on here from this perspective, it is in the first quarter of this film; it is where Carter/The Miz' Mizanin is looking up at it and talking about this location [we the viewers get to see this as well momentarily from Carter/The Miz' Mizanin's line of sight] whilst Williams/Van Hooft is driving the ambulance and discussing it with Carter/The Miz' Mizanin on their way to another emergency, then we have later on at this Fun Fair with some lights on and later on more lights on, towards the end of the film we have these skies with clouds in the sky or reflecting images of this building [because this building has been designed with see through features like doors and windows, so you will get reflections on them;] the art is the biggest asset to this project by some distance.

Characters/Performances: including the on-screen chemistry; these character developments, performances and on-screen chemistry are pretty much all generic and their on-screen chemistry is as flat as a pancake, minus between this trio and in different pairings Carter/'The Miz' Mizanin, Williams/Van Hooft and Cole/Mitchell, but to put a balanced perspective across there is enough here to say "Because of the pacing being what it is; it could also be said that the pacing leaves these characters/performers high and dry with trying to build some on-screen chemistry."

I am not trying to reflect anything away from these characters/performers; in short all I am saying is there is plenty of blame to go around here that is for sure; basically take your pick or both it is up to you; for me it would have to be both to be fair.

This film receives: 4/10, this film is mixed; in theory yes the storyline is something safe and reliable, but it could have been executed much better with a quicker; much quicker pacing which could have had a knock on effect to the characters/performances/on-screen chemistry so it would have been good film. One last thing this film is also starring WWE Superstars Heath Slater as Cash, Naomi as Murphy, Curtis Axel as Deacon and Bo Dallas as Alonzo.

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