Tuesday 29 September 2020

Money Plane 2020 by AverageMansReviews

Money Plane 2020 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/suicide/shooting in the head/decapitation/animal bite/animals feeding/electrocution.

Storyline: it is good; I mean it is something safe and reliable but still good, the pacing can be seen in the same light as well.

Action/Comedy: there are these occasions where these two components go hand-in-hand, so I will just pick one to point out and discuss; we have our lead character/performer Reese/Copeland fighting not once but twice with this co-pilot in this cockpit of this plane; the comedy comes from firstly Reese/Copeland realizing there is a co-pilot, secondly this combat sequence taking place in this confined area and finally this co-pilot waking up and rising behind  Reese/Copeland's back whilst he is piloting this plane to surprise attack him and to continue this action sequence.

Action individually; there are weapons being used, combat, chasing and this poker game [Texas Hold'em.]

Comedy; individually in a rough description we have Reese/Copeland from this cockpit of this plane telling another character/performer [Iggy/Lawrence] over this communication device to basically get things ready because Reese/Copeland gets the feeling from this dialogue exchange he has been lazing about and hasn't done it yet.

Art: well this component is consistently around be it in the opening credits the blueprints for this plane to be constructed and we have a little bit of construction as well or when you have Reese/Copeland and Harry/Jane having a drink and discussing things, but in this scene we have this many light bulbs construction that illuminates this scene [you won't be able to miss them, they are very noticeable] or these skies of different colours [depending where you are in this film is depending what you get; meaning different points of the day or evening] with this plane flying in them.

Characters/Performances: yes likewise to the storyline and the pacing these character developments are also something safe and reliable, there is also good on-screen chemistry between everyone involved.

This film receives: 10/10, this is lots of fun; after everything is said and done it finds itself at this mark, as you may have understood by now this film knows what it is from beginning to end which is a heist film, it doesn't claim to be anything other than this; this is one of those occasions where I can't really criticize something for what it knows what it is, so if you want to get a take away out [I should quickly dictate a disclaimer in these current times when this review was being first dictated, I am not suggesting you do that; that is completely up to you,] but all I am saying is if you want to do this and put this film on it will entertain you whilst you eat.

If there are any fans of Kelsey Grammer he is in this film as Darius Emmanuel Grouch III, aka "The Rumble" or Joey Lawrence as The Concierge and finally if there are any wrestling fans out there in Internet land Adam Copeland is better known as WWE's Edge.

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