Wednesday 16 September 2020

Average Extra of: Cuties It's Bold, It's Feminist? by AverageMansReviews

Average Extra of: Cuties It's Bold, It's Feminist? by AverageMansReviews

Warning: straight off the bat I really, really wasn't going to do this blog today, because I was going to work on a review for Christmas and I really want to get away from this project as soon as possible and I don't know how I am going to keep calm, whilst dictating this blog; obviously there will be no adult out and out bad language.

Real Talking Time:

I was watching someone else's content and needless to say I am beyond fuming because looking around for the article they had I found another this is an excerpt from the Director Maïmouna Doucouré 'It's bold, it's feminist, but it's so important and necessary to create debate and try to find solutions, for me as an artist, for politicians and parents. It's a real issue.'

So this should be no surprise I have a lot to say; how is this bold?! How the hell is this feminist?! They are 11-year-old or somewhere around this mark they are children! I don't care if this director has done some research! You don't subject young girls/children to the thing that you are trying to apparently bring attention to which is sexualization, online and so on you just don't do it.  

Let's talk about feminist; now correct me, if I am wrong, stealing a mobile telephone and posting questionable/highly inappropriate content on social media via this mobile telephone which I am pretty sure the police could link to it being the loading up point or this device has or had inappropriate content on it as they can do with computers would land the fully grown adult man I hasten to add; it is a family member to as well in prison for a very long stretch of eating porridge isn't feminist?

Next; trying to take a recording/failing of a boy as he is going to the toilet, so this is meant to be feminist as well? How about giving false information to some boys so they can get their telephone number and possibly move on to more; this is meant to be feminist as well?

Next how about instigating a sexual conversation with the boy online with having the web camera off I hasten to add again when this boy finds out the camera accidentally gets switched on it does look like saying; but this is meant to be a feminist?

Next how about doing a sexual dance in front of two fully grown men to get out of trouble [the first act normal in this situation as in not interested whilst the second is highly interested and engaged;] so this is meant to be feminist?

Finally attempting to seduce the same family member from earlier on by Amy instigating/throwing herself at this man [if he took her up on her offer he would be once again looking at a long stretch all the eating porridge] yes this man does absolutely the right thing by pushing her away; so this is feminist well I am learning so much today [for those that cannot pick up sarcasm; I am being sarcastic.]

This is partly what feminist should be about; if you are going to focus on apparently feminist or sexualization, remember this film has just been released in 2020. My point here being if you are going to talk about feminist and sexualization shouldn't gender identification or sexual preference begin to show itself at the age of about 11 years old, I am not trying to anger anyone I'm just saying if you are going to cover a bit you may as well incorporate other elements into it as well and turn into really focusing on the positive side of being a feminist film, exploring what things work for you as a person I say this in big capital letters NOTHING SEX-BASED but everything but this.

The camera work and everything related to this is disgusting I don't know how it can be seen as bold and feminist when it clearly reduces these young girls to underage pornography, just to cover my back I have seen this film so I'm just speaking factually. I really don't get it and here is me thinking that feminist or feminists generally speaking to be seen as equals, upstanding people and things of this nature.

I mean not to antagonize the feminists out there in Internet land this film pretty much takes a massive dump on your beliefs as I have already made references to in this blog, but for here and now these young girls are doing things that would satisfy any heinous individual if they were in this scene with them.

So I really don't get it by giving these heinous individuals what they want in this film which is easy access to thanks to Netflix, it is meant to show them something bold and feminist? I may be partly brain-dead and have a mental illness on top but I can't be the only one thinking this is completely screwed up?! The really extra icing on this really, really, really, really so screwed up cake is they have 650 auditions on recording all I can say about this is I have that have been destroyed.

Moving on I wasn't going to bring this up in my review which I didn't just because I am a man and I didn't want to bring heat to my front door, but in this case I will now bring this up. Now if this film was apparently and I do stress apparently about feminism when Amy begins going through her seasonal change [yes I am trying to be polite.]

Why the hell does her Aunty at first laugh at her and then telling her about how things were and then help her out? On top of that we have her Mother coming into her bedroom entrance [doorframe entrance looking really unhappy at her for something previous in the film; saying something like you are now a woman and then just closing her bedroom door, consequently Amy looking confused and then down at herself.

Newsflash I don't care if Amy has done something wrong; she is 11 years old, she is 11 years old how many more times do I have to say this; she is 11 years old and yes I am a man, but at no stage without some form verbal abuse or physical abuse first; in this moment wasn't about her Aunty I am sorry this happened to her Aunty but you don't put your pain verbally on to the next generation whilst she is standing there quite clearly going through her cycle [keep in mind I'm trying to be polite so work with me here,] it was about Amy beginning the next stage of her life, so at some point I would have been there trying to do something caring without a it being about me or creepy my motivation would have been caring and supportive and absolutely nothing else. I mean if the Aunty wanted to educate Amy about her history and how things were, she could have had done it softly and whilst helping out Amy to have a real bonding moment, but the laughing is sick and twisted behaviour and then going on about how things were for her, when Amy is standing there in a highly vulnerable situation is unbelievably wrong [yes as I have previously stated she eventually helps her out, but she has to be humiliated and made to feel small first, which is just massive piles of donkey diarrhea really she is a child, there is absolutely no need to put her through this.]

So I question her Father, Mother and Aunty [I know this is an difficult Father thing based on how the world is today and how it is heading, but as I have already just illustrated I would be there in some capacity so he should be as well.] I know just for the record it is harder on girls/women but you know what I'm trying to say here in this paragraph about Fathers.

They have all pretty much let her discover it and get on with it on her own, which is just so wrong, she is meant to be a child and they are meant to be her and her two Brothers protectors amongst other things not the other way around so to be honest I can completely understand why Amy goes off the rails, she is being treated as an adult, including occasionally looking after the second youngest Brother, but the problem she and you can say it with me She is 11 years old, give her some chores ask her to help you maybe with her siblings for a short time and I am talking about minutes not an hour or hours, whilst you go to the toilet or do a short-term job but for the final time she is 11 years old.

So to finish off yes Doucouré can have her own opinions and yes I am fully aware there are many different cultures out there, but to say that this is bold, feminist and yes I can agree that there is a problem out there. But this project is a load of donkey dire minus some elements; deep, deep, deep so far deep down which I mentioned in my review yesterday, but there is child exploitation and mental, emotional and physical abuse of Amy.

So Finally this will be my final blog on this subject, because I want to wash my hands of it, unless something big transpires then I will revisit this situation, I really just want to wash my hands of it; it is sick and I want to move on.

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