Tuesday 25 August 2020

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 26 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 26 by AverageMansReview

Warning: at some point I will be discussing #SpeakingOut.

WWE: let's get down to business straight away; so how come everyone can see Sasha Banks as the real deal, but so far on the Main Rosters she has never had a successful individual Championship defence? It is getting beyond a joke now; she should be seen as one of your top performers in your company, yes I see her as one of the top performers but her Championship defines record really does undermine that.

I can tell you right now Banks is taking the pin on Sunday at WWE Payback 2020, to break up Banks and Bayley to begin a feud over the SmackDown Women's Championship to give the Tag Team Championships to Shayna Baszler [which she hasn't been used at all properly since someone changed their mind on her; isn't that right Mr. McMahon and Calamity Jane [Oh I'm sorry I was meant to say Nia Jax it was a slip of the tongue; even though after coming back after doing some research/watching the same material from later on in this blog; these two characters are having problems Jax has had words and later on attacked Baszler; this is going to be The Bar all over again isn't it where Cesaro and Sheamus were feuding and then became a tag team and yes they became a good tag team, but I don't see Jax and Baszler getting to that point it is just going to be them not getting along and doing these kind of one-upsmanship and those kind of things, if they get this far which I don't see it.]

Next what is the point of having Andrade & Angel Garza as a tag team when they can't stop losing to the Raw Tag Team Champions The Street Profits in any form, so this very one sided feud is just a waste of time for everyone involved.

Next so we are just going to feed “The Monster” Braun Strowman and “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt to Roman Reigns then? Well all that character rebuilding for Stroman, the character building for “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt and Alexa Bliss as Sister Abigail was and is a complete waste of time then [as it relates to the character Sister Abigail; this company has really screwed up on this character either use her in some capacity or not, basically go all in or all out end of story.]

Now before I continue I should just point out as things stand this is speculation and a prediction; now I hope I am wrong but I know this company's playbook to well and if the WWE will do these two things I will be beyond fuming; the first is to turn Reigns super Heel, by him turning against the WWE fan base possibly bringing up them never being there or liking him or possibly bringing up his personal health situation [can we please stay away from all of this] and just go with the narrative with whilst he has been away, he has been watching and he is far from impressed with what he has seen so he has decided to come back to "Wreck Everyone & Leave" please WWE do a projecting in the ring Heel and not an inner and outer projecting Heel [something like from the realm of the current AEW World Champion Jon Moxley should be fine and what is needed in these current times just a couple of notches angrier or frustrated.]

The second thing is unfortunately much more realistic scratch that inevitable “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt having the label "A transitional champion" connected to this in-depth character/characters as at WWE Payback 2020 I can see him dropping the Universal Championship to Reigns. This is absolutely garbage booking you had to book yourself into a corner didn't you WWE, you couldn't just let “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt have one Universal Championship defense [please book it for this upcoming SmackDown, just so he doesn't have this label attached to this character/characters] and as I have just said it makes all this character rebuilding or character developments a waste of time if they are just going to feed them to Reigns on his pay-per-view return to the ring and yes I know  Reigns was going to get the Universal Championship back, but I would have gone for the pay-per-view after WWE Payback 2020, just so that everything looks and feels much more smoother, “The Fiend” gets a Universal Championship defence and the WWE get to put this Championship on Reigns. But in reality it looks predictable, panic for TV ratings and as I have already said a small amount of times it makes everything that was before this situation a waste of time.

In short; it looks like Shane McMahon wasn't/isn't going to be taking over from Bruce Prichard as in control of Raw.

#SpeakingOut Well it is all happening in the WWEThunderDome, when you think this company cannot look any more worse than what they do they keep surprising everybody; so they ban a fan from WWEThunderDome for holding up a sign that says "Fire Velveteen Dream. Now correct me if I am wrong this is coming from the company that says something to the effect of "you have spent your hard-earned money; you have the right to cheer and boo anyone you like; because without you we wouldn't be here."

I'm sorry that this sign and its clean message doesn't fall into the narrative you're trying to spin, your country [USA] preaches "freedom of speech” you actively encourage it in normal world situations, this person and I have no idea who this person is but they have done nothing wrong, but the WWE have lost all moral high ground based on their history as a whole; just for one example taking Middle Eastern money knowing of a real life despicable act has taken place and still willingly gone over there on that occasion and not do the responsible/public image thing of at least pulling out of that show; to show that "We will come over there and fulfil our contract but not on this occasion, because it wouldn't be the right thing to do at this time."

I mean when I first said a bit about Velveteen Dream in my previous Volume I was really trying to be careful on what I said, not to protect him but it was more to do with it being safe for any age to read [just in case if you're wondering if I softballed this] and I continue to make this clean and safe for anyone to read but at the same time with this situation; how can the WWE allow him to continue his career under the WWE umbrella, but then punish a fan for holding up a clean sign? It makes no sense; now if there were adult words in this message; that I could understand, I am still not protecting Dream I'm just saying being balanced that would give them course to ban this individual and I have just spent 2 seconds thinking about this; as far as I can see it; whilst Velveteen Dream remains under the WWE umbrella it makes the Woman's Revolution more and more, incredibly more as just a publicity stunt, because how can they promote the Women's Revolution or anything positive on one hand whilst on the other hand they are not dealing with this situation properly in any way shape or form [case in point banning a fan for holding up their sign;] this company desperately needs to get the public image sorted out, you cannot be about equality all that in public, whilst behind the scenes are archaic and sweep something under the carpet when it suits you [but hold on I just realized this is what they have been doing for years so they aren't going to change until someone steps down or leaves or dies in Mr. McMahon and even then it will take time to move on or change or repair the damage if at all he has coursed.]

But after doing some research/watching someone else's material; I also found out that some people have been acting highly inappropriately as well, so these people should be rightly banned for their highly inappropriate behaviour by the WWE. I will back the WWE here. I have found out in the same material that Reigns is winning the Universal Championship on Sunday at WWE Payback 2020 [this is not a spoiler, this is a general thought that this will happen; I just wanted to clarify that.]

All Elite Wrestling: in comparison I don't have much to say here; for most parts minus some issues here and there which I have documented in the previous Volumes, they just have to keep things going. AEW All Out 2020 is very soon [Saturday 05/09/2020.] Chris Jericho vs. Orange Cassidy Mimosa Mayhem Match this sounds like good fun.

I like how the AEW World Champion Jon Moxley put over his opponent MJF for this pay-per-view match at AEW All Out 2020 on this previous Saturday night's AEW: Dynamite [Saturday 22/08/2020] in his promo in short; basically saying he is the future but for now I'm just going to kick your posterior [may be the WWE should be taking tips here on how to build up new characters/performers.]

Now of what I have seen they should really sign Will Hobbs to a AEW contract [he took on Darby Allin; this past week on AEW: Dynamite,] there is lots of potential and talent there; he is a well-built individual AEW should really put him in a tag team with someone which is a high flyer so they pretty much have all the bases covered for a tag team attributes wise. I don't know anything about Hobbs, but with his potential and talent it looks like he just needs matches and screen time to develop.

The Exalted One Mr. Brodie Lee is the new AEW TNT Champion; now it is going to be very interesting to see what he can do with his persona and this Championship and reign, of what I remember I don't think we never got to see what WWE's Luke Harper could do with any Championship reign be it single or tag team with WWE's Eric Rowan or WWE's Randy Orton, so Mr. Brodie Lee take this opportunity and show everyone what you can do with a Championship and reign and it has to be said if you can give/send Mr. McMahon the "Stone Cold" Steve Austin two fingers salute whilst you are doing it all good and well.

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