Saturday 29 August 2020

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Payback 2020 by AverageMansReviews

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Payback 2020 by AverageMansReviews

Just a quick heads up: the matches are probably going to be in the wrong order, but considering we only may have an idea of the Card the day before this pay-per-view I am going to start now four days away, because believe it or not I have a lot to say and I will leave a link to The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 26 at the bottom of this blog, because I have put some components in there as well.

The Riott Squad vs. The IIconics: my pick is The IIconics; I really don't care about this match, as far as I'm concerned this is just a waste of time and everybody's talent, everyone talks about the Women's Revolution, then what is this? Oh yes I have just remembered having for individuals that the hierarchy have nothing better for them to do so from this aspect they are just being treated as the men; well I guess that would be a step in the right direction for equality then. I mean all they are going to do is tease or do another break-up for The Riott Squad but the thing is they haven't been back together that long in the first place this is just lazy booking; I mean they couldn't even be bothered to put the stipulation of a No1 Contenders for the Woman's Tag Team Championship Match for the next WWE pay-per-view, I mean seriously it has just taken me a couple of minutes whilst dictating this to work out medium-term booking plans, but once again I have just remembered you have to entertain a 75-year-old senile individual that has no concept of the modern world before everyone else and people wonder why I have patients and a lot more time for AEW, in short I'm sick and tired of the WWE as a whole, minus NXT.

Big E vs. Sheamus: my pick is Big E; simply because they have been pushing him and don't be too surprised if you see RETRIBUTION to take care of Big E; RETRIBUTION they are a joke so whomever they are as real characters/performers; good luck trying to change the reputation and image of the gimmick of RETRIBUTION you are going to need it.

Dominik & Rey Mysterio vs. Seth Rollins & Murphy: my pick is Seth Rollins & Murphy; yes I have chosen these two based on the grounds I am thinking like the hierarchy of this company, but if they want to give specifically Dominik a solid base to work from both Ray and Dominik need to pick up the W. here; please WWE think medium term [as everyone should know this company are incapable of doing long-term booking on the Red and Blue Brands, so I will take medium-term booking;] instead of short-term Rollins & Murphy could take the loss here; it really wouldn't harm them and this feud of what I have heard, seen and think this feud is a little bit one sided, so to freshen things up a bit give the Mysterios the W. here, but they won't.

Matt Riddle vs. King Corbin: my pick is Matt Riddle; I had to pick someone so there we are.

Bobby Lashley vs. the United States Champion Apollo Crews: my pick is Apollo Crews; I see the WWE is still doing this garbage like the arm wrestling thing on this week's Raw [Monday 24/08/2020] of course that will get the TV ratings consistently up; Not!

If Lashley somehow loses I can't take the trio [at this point] known as The Hurt Business seriously anywhere be it on Raw or Raw Underground, if it should happen you think I am being unfair I will give you three excellent reasons to why this trio should be used much better than what they are right now; MVP, Lashley and Benjamin; you can't have these quality characters/performers continuously come up short, the long-term effects are quite simply this; sooner or later you're audience will not buy them as a real threat, so I think this company have now backed themselves into a corner, where any outcome they don't have any follow-up plans with substance or to make you get invested so we will just see Benjamin vs. the United States Champion Crews at the following pay-per-view, probably on the Kickoff Show; this is very depressing to see all these characters/performers and the United States Championship getting devalued like this.

Keith Lee vs. Randy Orton: my pick is Keith Lee; once again please WWE focus on this match, because I hope I am wrong here but I just have this feeling that this match is going to be remembered for the storyline going on around it as McIntyre getting involved to cost Orton this match; just let Lee have a good match with Orton then have McIntyre run down after the match to continue this feud with Orton; hell with Lee picking up the W. he can join this feud as well.

Shayna Baszler & Nia Jax vs. the Women's Tag Team Champions Bayley & Sasha Banks: my pick is Shayna Baszler & Nia Jax; in short to begin the feud between Banks and Bayley for the SmackDown Women's Championship.

Roman Reigns vs. “The Monster” Braun Strowman vs. the Universal Champion “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt No Holds Barred Triple Threat Match: my pick is Roman Reigns; I don't know how long I can keep calm about this entire situation, because I am absolutely beyond fuming; I hate this so, so, so, so much.

This is so short-sighted of Mr. McMahon he is an idiot [see I told you I am beyond fuming,] they have backed themselves into a corner and yes I don't care if I have mentioned any of this in The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 26, so let's get this right thanks to any version of Bray Wyatt he has successfully rebuilt Strowman into “The Monster” Strowman and we now have a Sister Abigail in Alexa Bliss [I wouldn't have gone this way but it has been established so I am willing to give it a go,] everything seems to be going well.

But wait here comes Reigns [I don't blame him for this; I blame Mr. McMahon;] he [Mr. McMahon] will now destroy three characters/performers hard work in a matter of one night, having “The Monster” Stroman lose two big matches; two Universal Championship matches is not a good start for a evolution of a character, having Sister Abigail/Bliss potentially not there again [like she wasn't at WWE SummerSlam 2020] is also not a good start basically use her or don't use her, unless Alexa Bliss is unknowingly to me has an injury or anything other she should be in the ring doing something, she is too good to be sitting on the sidelines.

Here is the biggest sin of them all; having “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt as a transitional Champion, these words should never, ever, ever never ever be associated with a character/characters/performer like Bray Wyatt.

I mean how many more times does he have to rebuild his characters of any creation, I mean ask any long-term every day wrestling person they will tell you something to this effect "Eventually these creative missteps if there are enough of them they do take their toll on the character in question, regardless how many times they rebuild, so eventually your audience will not buy them as a credible threat." Not forgetting the words "A transitional Champion doesn't wash away."

I mean even with the stipulation being No Holds Barred Triple Threat Match it doesn't protect anyone from the loss; they could have had a Triple Threat [of the following] Ladders Match, Last Man Standing Match or First Blood Match, I would prefer the First Blood Match [where two components have to bleed.]

Because it protects everybody from the loss it could have done excellent character developments for everyone involved consequently made them look strong [yes unfortunately if Mr. McMahon wants to put the Universal Championship on Reigns this still means “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt will be a transitional Champion, but hopefully with the character building in this match it doesn't harm him so much as in he had to find a new level of darkness and it would be really helpful if Sister Abigail/Bliss made her presence felt as well.

Yes I'm trying to put a positive spin on what they could have done/should have done if Mr. McMahon is that desperate to put the Universal Championship on Reigns straightaway on his return to in-ring competition; one final thing if they have plans for Reigns to go super Heel and turn on everyone including their fan base; it will sink like the Titanic, even before you think about it WWE please don't exploit his leukemia again; that was in very bad taste the first time around; just go with what it says on his new merchandise/T-shirt design "Wreck Everyone & Leave"

Additional; now Reigns is a Paul Heyman guy; I really, really can't see him losing at this pay-per-view. I mean before this I couldn't see it anyway but thank you for being really 100% transparent on this WWE and putting every other character/performer before this situation/feud continuing here under the bus; yes in fairness and balance I am sure we will get some good work from Reigns and Heyman, but my point remains to get to this point they had to flush a lot of hard work character building or rebuilding down the toilet between three performers, multiple characters, storyline/feud to get here and yes I am still beyond fuming the only thing that is preventing me from letting rip is many moons ago I decided not to use any adult language in my blog, but I have my ways around this slightly so I will finish by saying this whole situation is massive piles of donkey diarrhea really.

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 26 Links

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