Tuesday 7 July 2020

Broken Arrow 1996 by AverageMansReviews

Broken Arrow 1996 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there are colourful effects.

Storyline: it is good; the pacing is something safe and reliable, like the storyline it knows what it is doing from beginning to end and it sticks to that.

Action/Art/Comedy: here are two examples of the action; we have boxing sparring between Major Deakins/Travolta and Captain Hale/Slater; then later on we have this armoured helicopter shooting at Captain Hale/Slater and Park Ranger Carmichael/Mathis with just a basic hand revolver [one of those with a small hammer that you have to pull back with your thumb and a rotating cylinder] at their disposal/her weapon but he uses it.

Art; here are some elements for you to look out for; there are some beautiful skies, Dears [just to cover my back I think they are Dears; but I could be wrong] and a Butterfly or Butterflies moving on to the comedy there are small elements of comedy in this project, so I will just pick one; in a nutshell and in a rough description "Would you mind not shooting so close to the nuclear weapons."

Characters/Performances: on all counts including the on-screen chemistry they are all good; but it should be noted without Travolta or Slater this film would have struggled.

This film receives: 7/10, this film is good; without trying to repeat myself here too much; this film just knows what it is; which is a good action/crime film, I mean this is one of those films that if you get a take-away out and put this film on it will entertain you without too much thinking or if you haven't seen this film yet take a look at it.

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