Friday 12 June 2020

The Package 2013 by AverageMansReviews

The Package 2013 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Storyline/Characters/Comedy/Performances: because the first three components go hand-in-hand I was thinking I would group them together, basically the storyline is something straight-forward and reliable, but however for a heavy majority of this project its movement and momentum is really, very slow.

But that is until one of our main characters/performers goes from Wick/Austin to Wick/"Stone Cold"Austin; yes he uses his professional wrestling persona in this project to some degree, which most definitely galvanizes this project into something noticeably quicker and brings more of a comical edge [as he is being tortured and at one point he says "Is that the best you've got?"On a quick side note yes there are other comedy elements in one way or another in this title.

Performances; they are all round solid on every single level.

Action/Art: there are weapons being used, combat; now to point something out the viewers get to see Wick/"Stone Cold"Austin vs. The German/Lundgren go one-on-one. Moving on to the art at the beginning of this project the viewers get to see a ten-pin bowling alley, go through its routine of setting up a new frame and there is a very tiny amount of good scenery to look out for as well.

 This film receives: 5/10, this film is mixed; it does need a rocket up its posterior to get going, but after everything is said and done it finds itself at this mark and obviously if there are any fans of either or both of Steve Austin a.k.a. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin or Dolph Lundgren out there in Internet land take a look at this film; but I would say manage your expectations that is all I'm going to say here.

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