Wednesday 3 June 2020

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 16 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 16 by AverageMansReview

Just a heads up: yes usually I put a divider between these two companies, but for this Volume I will be doing things differently as you will see/read and in most cases I have the right to say these things and I didn't plan to dictate this today, but I have just had enough of everything going on and I have absolutely no doubt that this will bring me some form of backlash; so I may as well state this right here and right now I am not talking to you as a Caucasian male in my late 30's I am talking to you as someone that is physically disabled life-term with a mental health illness as well which I will be honest with you and say this as well is 99.9% going to be life-term finally this is a Massive Warning this blog will contain mature and possibly unsettling contents.

Other wrestling: so I am not going to lie I know absolutely nothing about Hana Kimura, but for those people that have no idea about mental health and this is just based on my experiences. Be it online or in the real-world with the amount of abuse I have experienced; the person experiencing the abuse is being bashed or modified to the long-term effects of this are the person receiving this abuse will change and if they don't have or get the support network in one way or another the effects are permanent or other.

For myself; I never came back [from the old me to the new] I am a quarter of the person I used to be; I am very hard skinned, hard emotionally and yes I am no angel online, including other things in the real-world, I stand my ground and if I'm going to be honest yes I do push back including sometimes too hard, I am not trying to justify myself here but speaking facts it is based on a reactionary situation. I now see things as what are not normal are normal and yes I am intelligent, but basically this is all I know and I can handle it because everything I do; I do with a systematic thinking process and approach.

This may be a difficult pill to swallow and I don't say this to make people angry, but I say it because it is the unfortunate truth, until we acknowledge and make mental health illnesses or anything that separates us be it physical disabilities or other things and until we encourage individual thinking [to something to the effect of "Okay you have said you bit now leave the individual alone"or yes I will go on a date with you regardless of the wheelchair or my public image or whatever] to encourage a sensible approach to online and in the real-world these unfortunate situations are going to continue to happen and it isn't necessarily down to the platforms in question [yes they share a certain amount of responsibilities,] but it is down to us the uses to what we put on these platforms, including other media as well like magazines and so on briefly it creates an unhealthy image or mental pressure which is completely unnecessary.

WWE: Nia Jax & Jaxson Ryker, the massive, the massive absolutely, colossal facts/speculation on my part [this will make absolute sense the more you read] Jax will not face any firing and I will tell you why; because of her family connections they wouldn't risk upsetting any members of her family connected to the WWE so at worst they may take her off screen for awhile and at best [I know, I know there isn't any at best here.] But they may turn it into a storylines/character development this is how the WWE functions [for a quick example does anyone remember when Lynch got her nose smashed up by Jax and they used that to develop Jax's on-screen character at that time.] I know it made Lynch look great as it relates to her wrestling persona as well, but that is beside the point, they were able to turn a massive negative into a glowing positive.

So unfortunately what I am basically saying here is she will be able to come back and potentially [let's use the word "potentially" comeback and injure someone else unless she receives massive amounts of training whilst she is away from the ring,] but then again it has just dawned on me they cannot do this at the moment, because they don't have enough characters/performers on hand to take Jax's position; so at this point it is going to be a game of Russian Roulette who she will injure next or something worse, yes it is just come to my attention I have also accidentally pointed out that this company puts money before the welfare of their in-ring characters/performers, by suggesting at this point they have no one else to replace Jax so instead of doing the sensible thing by removing her now, they will just continue as normal consequently putting their other talent at risk of getting injured.

Jaxson Ryker; the only repercussion he could face is being pulled from The Forgotten Sons, because I look at the bigger picture and the bigger picture tells me Mr. McMahon isn't going to fire anyone for showing any support to Donald Trump, because these two families like one another and not forgetting the small detail they have connections to one another, but the WWE may be forced to be seen to be doing something by removing Ryker from The Forgotten Sons, but bring him back later, as a singles competitor or something else, but other than that; that is it.

I mean the WWE moral compass is very screwed up anyway; let's do business in the Middle East even though a real life murder happened, let's turn Reigns' second leukemia battle into a storyline, then when a real-life situation develops [as in the one we are currently going through,] let's make sure that wrestling is an essential business [even though it so isn't] let's give our characters/performers the option of staying at home if they don't feel comfortable working without any repercussions then find out there is repercussions of staying at home including for one example let's have backstage heat on Reigns that rightly chose to stay at home with his family instead of working for the WWE even though as I have already made reference to even if it was based on his personal health [not putting himself at risk because of his recent second battle with leukemia] or just wanted to be there for his family and his wife being pregnant, either or both of these two reasons are frankly a perfect reason to stay at home.

But for some strange reason absolutely delighted with Lynch being pregnant and Rollins being the Father, but before people get angry my point here is this; why be angry with one that has two perfect reasons for not or anyone that doesn't want to work at this time when Lynch is going to be unknown for her return and at some point Rollins is going to have to take some time off which in turn leads this company not one but two of their top stars out for a short-term to an unknown time.

Here is an excellent idea; why doesn't this company have real contracts with Health Insurance, so they have a real contract with real time off and other things, oh I just remembered this company is so outdated that every time you mention Health Insurance to Mr. McMahon he has to look it up in a dictionary followed by him hyperventilating at the definition of it, followed by smelling salts after he faints.

AEW: everything is going well here, even when they have recent controversy they deal with it swiftly.

So the final thing I would like to say here is: yes black lives matter, but doesn't every life matter? Before I receive any negative feedback I am not against anyone, but just simply pointing out that every life matters regardless of our individual traits or individualism.

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