Saturday 2 May 2020

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 3, Volume 3, Disc 9] Episode 90: Money Is Everything by AverageMansReviews

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 3, Volume 3, Disc 9] Episode 90: Money Is Everything by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is good

Storyline/Back stories: the storyline is good and the back stories get discussed in the dialogue exchanges.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: now firstly these two components go hand-in-hand and bring so much to this episode, they take place in different places as well so there is a good variety here like for a quick example we have this Terrorcon. [Hun-Grrr] chasing, and firing on this ship named Lazy Sue with Hun-Grrr eating this Satellite during this sequence in outer-space, the pilot of this ship his name Dirk Manus, on an individual level the artistic visions are very eye catching be it these yellow haired and green characters dancing in unison/repetitive loop in the scenery of this very posh restaurant [keep your eyes peeled because as I have already said they are a part of the scenery] or when Dirk Manus and Captain Marissa Faireborn are dancing or in outer-space when the viewers come across the Moon or the Planet Saturn.

Character developments: In short here is something for you to hear/look out for; a dialogue exchange between Dirk Manus and the Quintesson General as it relates to the Terrorcons.

Bloopers: the first one is where we have Computron he is computing the probability of this situation happening and what action they should take next, but if you look at his eyes one moment they are red and the next minute they are their normal colour blue, the next one is where we have Dirk Manus and Captain Marissa Faireborn in this posh restaurant one moment she has blond hair and the next moment it goes back to what it should be; being dark brown and the final one is where Dirk Manus communicating over this communicator with the Quintesson General [face-to-face,] but the viewers clearly see Dirk Manus hang up on the Quintesson General, because he is being caught in the act by Captain Marissa Faireborn and he knows someone is behind him by his facial expression before he gets 100% caught, but the strange thing is this; he is still talking to this Quintesson General as if he was there [basically here is me thinking "You know Dirk the final bit you just said there the Quintesson General didn't hear or see any of that right? Because you hanged up or the equivalent of that on him and still gave important information away about your business deal to a potential stranger or a hostile individual which turned out to be Captain Marissa Faireborn and is it just me or if you were knowingly about to be caught or 100% caught, you would try and give out false information or lie try and attempt to cover your tracks? I know I would."

This episode receives: 7/10, this episode is a high ranking version of this mark.

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