Friday 1 May 2020

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 14 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 14 by AverageMansReview

WWE: so has anyone got a clear figure of how many people have been released or furloughed from this company in one way or another at the time of my previous Volume I was partially unaware meaning, I knew a small amount wanted to leave but that was about it.

I want to make something crystal clear before I continue, on one hand it is never good for someone to lose their job or leave their job unsatisfied. But on the other hand I am absolutely delighted that the WWE business practice of tying these performers down to lengthy contracts with lots of money involved with little or no intention of using them and not forgetting the WWE can extend the time on these contracts has blown up in their faces basically they have worked under the theory of if we have these performers no one else can have them [I have to say it is very childish behaviour] so essentially what it does is take this performer off the table and is no threat to the WWE if they go and make it big in another promotion.

I know I have made reference or references about this before; but I do believe that Mr. McMahon needs to step down I know, I know he will never do this. But with everything circling around him be it the WWE or things connected to the WWE [business dealings in the Middle East] or the legal situations this company finds themselves in within this company or outside of this company his second attempt at the XFL which I'm going to be honest and say "Man this was a stupid move to begin with, even before this global situation happened, I mean there is an expression of if you don't learn from your mistakes you are doomed to repeat them, but seriously at his time of life in his early 70's, he must have woken up one morning and said I know what I will do I will have a second stab at building my own American Football league."

If you want something a little bit more up-to-date of why Mr. McMahon should step down; we have Roman Reigns receiving heat backstage because he withdrew from WrestleMania 36 even though this company said something to the effect of "if you don't feel comfortable during this situation you don't have to show up there will be no heat on you." So via a reliable source online that over recent times his name is not to be mentioned or there are no clips of him in Make-A-Wish videos on their own website, this shows that the WWE has absolutely no class.

Now I have a massive, massive, massive problem with this character/performer has medically not one but two bouts of leukemia on his medical record, so as soon as this global situation became a factor he should have been taken off the WrestleMania 36 card; no discussion I would have pushed him out of the door and told him "You are off with pay until further notice, you will be doing a live feed or something on Twitter to give your reactions to every show and pay-per-views until you return" but it is worthwhile pointing out at this time Sami Zayn is currently away from this company due to this global situation; so why is it not okay for one but seems to be okay for another [I am not aiming this at Zayn but the hierarchy] and did I forget to mention at this point Reigns' wife is expecting twins so I don't know about you but I would be thinking it is of the most importants for Reigns to stay at home for himself and his wife.

All Elite Wrestling: we move on to AEW it looks like this company will be going back to taping soon. I mean in fairness and balance if I am going to criticize the WWE for doing this I should criticize this company as well, not to be disrespectful to the wrestling industry but you are not essential services yes I am very much aware that the WWE and AEW are not breaking any rules because they are deemed as essential services, but I want to make this really transparent they are not an essential services, so I really like what AEW are doing but for the final time in this blog they are not an essential service, apologies for repeating myself there a bit; I just want to to reinforce that even when AEW do something questionable I will bring it up, I say questionable because as I have already said where they are; they are not doing anything wrong, I am in no doubt that they will take every precaution they can to protect everyone involved, but I am of the mind set why would you want to put yourself at risk from this global situation if you don't have to.

I mean until the Lockdown has been lifted they could have done two interviews with two wrestlers or on screen characters such as Jake "The Snake" Roberts [this would be entertaining that is for sure to have one of the best talkers in the world of professional wrestling in an interview] roughly 40 minutes each [roughly 20 minutes of advertisements] with two different interviewers for a short time over the computer, mixed in with footage from their time so far in this company just so that people stay at home longer, I mean I wouldn't have minded that for a little while for a few episodes I mean if it gets people to stay at home I am up for that, I know the next thing I'm going to say will probably rub some people up the wrong way but if the TV ratings go down, because of this; then the AEW fan base should realize that they are trying to do their best in this global situation, so we should cut this company some slack.

But as things are; I am far than convinced that this is the best move for this company or the WWE at this time so one final thing stay-at-home, keep safe and this will not last forever.

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