Sunday 17 May 2020

Den of Thieves 2018 by AverageMansReviews

Den of Thieves 2018 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Storyline: well where do I start; the fact that this storyline is nothing new or anything special in fact if I'm being honest in theory it is just something that should have been safe and reliable, but it is very poorly executed to the point where it gives way too much away; way too early, mixed in with this film having no get up and go to it, mix that in with they could easily took off 40 minutes off this 140 minutes film [yes this is not a myth spoken figure,] mix that in with this project having a reveal style ending for an ending, mix that in with I really couldn't care about this reveal, no I really couldn't or don't care about this reveal.

Action/Art/Comedy: there are weapons being used, the driving sequence so this character/performer [Wilson/Jackson Jr.] can prove his skills, chasing and combat. Moving on to the art there are some elements in one way or another for an example when we have our lead character/performer [' O'Brien/Butler] standing on this beach and there are only small, very tiny like a pinch of salt of comedy in a dialogue exchange as it relates to vegetarians/vegans or there is this not funny also not needed comedy element where we have this character/performer [Levoux/Jackson] and these other characters/performers trying and successfully intimidating this young man before he takes his daughter out [you get this feel and look of it may be time for the prom.]

Characters/Performances: I can't say the character developments are poor, because like the storyline they are just something safe and reliable and likewise on reflection so are the performances, they are just following their character types and consequently everything that comes with that, but I do feel because this film is too long it does leave the characters/performers exposed, if this film is quicker or shorter it wouldn't leave these characters/performers so exposed, in a nutshell because the viewers have lots of time with these characters/performers and there isn't much to them [yes they are something safe and reliable as characters for let's say a 100 minute film, but not 140 minutes there needs to be suitable character developments/substance/something of anything and yes I don't count the reveal because as I have already made reference to I really don't care about it.

This film receives: 3/10, so this film is poor; after everything is said and done I was relieved to just get through this project, yes I could put this film as a higher ranking poor film or very low in the next section of marks, so as you can clearly see I went with the one I could justify more easily and if you are wondering what made my decision yes it was the time length of this film being 140 minutes and everything I said in the storyline section of this review.

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