Wednesday 8 April 2020

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 3, Volume 2, Disc 8] Episode 83: Carnage in C-Minor by AverageMansReviews

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 3, Volume 2, Disc 8] Episode 83: Carnage in C-Minor  by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is excellent

Warning: there are elements of death in this episode.

Storyline/Moral message: the storyline is good and this is another episode where it hits the ground running. The moral message is this; "You have to learn to live with your differences to live in perfect harmony."

Action sequences/Artistic visions/
Comedy level/Character developments: in this one example all four of these components work hand-in-hand, now we have Devastator, but suddenly out of nowhere this Autobot [Broadside in one of his transformed modes of a Aircraft carrier] lands on top of Devastator consequently squashing him, from an artistic perspective this small sequence looks excellent and it is comical. If you're now wondering where the character developments come from in this situation; it is from this perspective does anyone else remember in the era of Megatron when the Constructicons as Devastator were untouchable and a force to be extremely feared, yes individually these Constructicons can bring something to the table as engineers and those kind of things.

But as Devastator let's just say he is well and truly into the old veteran stage of his career, in fairness and balance I should just point out Broadside is very large Autobot, but Devastator at this point should be in a pub somewhere drinking Energon with Soundwave and his tapes reminiscing about the early years with Megatron and speaking of Soundwave we get him in this episode for the entire episode in his old rank of General/right-hand man to Galvatron instead of Megatron; but in no way shape or form do they have the same connection as Megatron and Soundwave used to have.

Bloopers: now this is something for you to hear out for/look out for; it is where you have the wrong voice coming out of the wrong character, but in this one example there are two bloopers in one it is where you have Autobot [Blaster] but Broadside's voice coming out with Broadside's monologue as well [it is in the action sequence at Allegra's retreat.]

This episode receives: 8/10, there is only one way I can finish this review and it is by highlighting again we get Soundwave in his old rank and position within the  Decepticons. Trust me when you get to this stage of this TV program/generation you will miss his larger-than-life stage presence when he isn't on screen as an ever present and yes I did absolutely give this episode one extra mark, based on Soundwave being an ever present in this episode.

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