Thursday 9 April 2020

A.I. Rising 2018/2019 by AverageMansReviews

A.I. Rising 2018/2019 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is poor

Warning: there is sexual assault, mental health, suicide and scenes in this project that may be harmful to people with epilepsy.

Fundamental elements: there are numbers and words on screen, voice-over elements, cultural elements background music, slow-motion effects, quick moving effects mental imagery, time jumps and place jumps.

Movement; I really couldn't care about it, yes we get Day [enter number here] I think twice.

Storyline/Back stories/Origin storyline: the storyline is terrible to the point where I am now sitting here thinking "Why the hell did this film get made?"I mean I will talk about this again later in a different section, but for here and now I will say this; we get this giant question mark ending for an ending as in "What happened next?"

The back stories come to the viewers via the following; words and numbers on screen, storyteller with mental imagery, voice-over with computer images, just voice-over and dialogue exchanges and for the origin storyline we get voice-over and we get to see this origin storyline.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: we get to see this pushing element and there is this rescue sequence. Moving on to the artistic visions; now including the rescue sequence and the artistic visions, these elements are good, they are very eye catching, you won't be able to miss them and I will make reference to another good element at the end of this review.

Character developments/Performances: now where do I start with the character developments [this is where I would like to include the storyline as well,] I have a very low tolerance for these character developments.

Now our female lead character/performer is a highly sophisticated android and putting this politely a companion for the male main character/performer on every single level, in fact he just has to pick from these options and she will accommodate him.

So in this one scene why does he feel it is necessary to pick from such things as "First time, "Young" and other personality traits than just to sexually assault her? When there are other personality traits which would make her willing, I find this sick and what makes this more twisted is the fact from a voice over the company that put this mission together and owns this android, their engineers had predicted this activity, but he was a week behind schedule. So if they knew this why hire him in the first place?

But wait there's more and I have a colossal problem with this; we have this female android saying sexual assault is a main fantasy and I am here to say "Hell No!" I cannot sexually assault somebody [because of my disability,] but just for the record even if I could I still wouldn't and more to the point whilst we're on the subject I have many fantasies but sexual assault isn't one of them, I just have a massive problem with this entire sexual thing in this project. I mean if I had a highly sophisticated android and if she learned from how I treated her as this film does with her character developments sexual assault wouldn't be anywhere near; the things I would teach her or give her and experience of. Just to make this review a little bit lighter for a minute if she could learn how to make the perfect cheesecake from reading many different recipes this is one thing that my android would learn.

But wait there's more; later on in the film our lead male character/performer has a mental illness, because I have a mental illness myself I can get away with the things I am about to say; so let me get this right so this highly sophisticated female android has a character change [I can't say too much more than that because that would be giving too much of the film away.] But I continue because this android doesn't want to have sex or be warm towards him and apparently he loves her and she knows it; it sends him to eventually a dark place.

You know how irritating this is? That is what happens when you give a character this life changing character developments and if you are wondering why I am being harsh, it is because this project uses these two components sexual assault and mental health which individually or together are very, very dark topics without a care in the world and on top of that just to finish things off we have suicide so we don't have one or two very dark components we have three components which are individually or together very, very dark.

Performances; these are poor, don't get me wrong there is chemistry/friction; the friction is very clear to pick up on but the chemistry is either cosmetic due to the female android character following her programming or after there is a speck of chemistry, as in I could see it but I felt may be a tiny molecule for it.

This film receives: 1/10, simply put avoid this film by any cost and to cover my back I just want to point out, if these three components were not in this project I wouldn't be discussing them, if you have reading difficulties you will have problems with the words and numbers at the beginning of this project, I didn't read them, I looked at them for a second they are just too small [I have reading difficulties] and you will have problems with sometimes reading the options that our lead male character/performer chooses because the background will show through, the only reason I know he chose the options you did is because I paused and had a closer look when I could, other than that if I couldn't read it when I first watched it I left it. But to finish this review on a positive, here is something for you to look out for there is a scene of using Pong the video game a handheld version of it.

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