Monday 13 April 2020

Disturbing the Peace 2020 by AverageMansReviews

Disturbing the Peace 2020 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is poor

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, background music, cultural elements, mental imagery, no subtitles when another language is being used, but an interpreter element of a tattoo which was in a different language, time jumps and place jumps.

Movement: because I will be bringing this up again shortly all I will say here is this; it is like watching paint drying.

Storyline/Back stories: now in theory this is one of those storylines that should have been something safe and reliable, but somehow this project takes this storyline and completely makes a mess of it, be it the movement, the storyline or the back stories elements [which I will discuss momentarily,] but as a whole the storyline is garbage.

The back stories come to the viewers via the following; mental imagery, a letter or dialogue exchanges and yes they even screwed up on a back story as the leader of this bike gang [Diablo,] this beginning sequence to the film is 99.9% connected to him, he seems to know a lot about this location and its community [not just because he is pulling this job,] another member of his gang has this dialogue exchange with our lead character/performer about him to confirm all of this roughly and in one way or another Diablo makes references to things.

But here's the problem none of this is confirmed 100% by Diablo/Sawa in a monologue or a dialogue exchange of in-depth substance with our lead character/performer Sheriff Jim Dillon/Pearce so it just feels really lazy and unfulfilling.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: there are weapons being used, combat and chasing. Moving on to the artistic visions; this project has some good scenes be it; by night looking at the moon or by day with the animals and other things.

Character developments/Performances: I don't know what to say about these two components, individually or together once again in theory these character developments should have been likewise something safe and reliable, but in some cases they are cheap and tacky character developments/performances or yes something safe and reliable with their character developments/performances and yes the same can be said for the chemistry/friction as well so all I can say about the chemistry/friction it is just depending on which characters/performers you have on screen at that time if it comes over or off as cheap and tacky or something solid at best.

Bloopers: there is this Deputy on his mobile talking and because another character cuts the connection to the power grid to this location and other devices this Deputy is texting somebody in fact you have this criminal in the back of his car just saying look out and here is me thinking any usage of a mobile device without a hands-free set or something to this effect was against the law whilst driving and I have just realized if his connection went down he wouldn't have been able to send the text either.

Next we have our lead character/performer crashing this vehicle to make a scene [I have no idea why this is; because no one is in this scene other than him,] but it really doesn't feel like it has come off how it was meant to, it just feels like it was a waste of time as if "Now we have done that shall we just carry on with what we were doing?" Not only in a film sense but in a filmmaking sense as well as a for a moment it just feels awkward and in another sequence it is where we have these two female characters/performers fighting over this gun and the criminal female character in this scene seems to be winning and then the camera shot switches to outside this church front door we hear this gun go off and this civilian character comes out with this gun, so what precisely went on here?

This film receives: 1/10, this film is agonizing torture so if you have the choice I would suggest missing it, but if your partner should choose to watch this project on a date night or something just do the right thing and watch it. In the interest of fairness and balance if there are any fans of Guy Pearce, take a look at this project but I really, really, really, really wouldn't expect too much. Likewise if there are any fans of WWE Kelly Kelly is in this project or to be more precise Barbie Blank as Amanda [it is a small role throughout this project.]

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