Friday 6 March 2020

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Elimination Chamber 2020 by AverageMansReviews

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for  WWE Elimination Chamber 2020 by AverageMansReviews

I have quite a bit to say so let's get on with it: well I may as well just come out and say it; this pay-per-view is a complete waste of time and I feel sorry for anyone that is attending/watching this pay-per-view, I will happily explain my perspective throughout this blog and as everyone should know by now I don't use adult language in any of my blogs, but I have enough words in my vocabulary to indicate my opinions civilly.

Humberto Carrillo vs.
the United States Champion Andrade: my pick is Andrade: well considering Andrade didn't drop or get stripped of this Championship for breaking the WWE Wellness Policy recently which I find that contradictory because on one hand you break the rules, yes he got suspended but on the other hand he can still keep a Championship, so what kind of message does this send out not only to the rest of your independent contractors but your public image, but then again when this company does controversial business dealings with the Middle East why worry about your public image, so basically Andrade may as well have used this time to go away on holiday.

Seth Rollins & Murphy vs.
the Raw Tag Team Champions The Street Profits: my pick is Seth Rollins & Murphy: I have very strong negative feelings about this match, because I have been watching wrestling since the late 1980's, so as it relates to this specific match, I hope I am really wrong about my take here. Because if I am right it makes their first Tag Team Championship reign on the Main Roster a pointless exercise be it as individuals or as a Tag Team I know they have held the NXT Tag Team Championships.

But we are here again where an individual or individuals come up from NXT and their first Championship/Championships could be a very tiny run let's go and ask Ricochet what happened to his first ever Main Roster Championship run with the United States Championship last year to where he is right now on the card [you can't because he is busy meeting Bugs Bunny at his home in a very deep hole, that is where his career is at the moment.]

Aleister Black vs. AJ Styles No Disqualification Match: my pick is AJ Styles, now I am conflicted and angry about this match, conflicted based on the grounds that it has so much potential to be an excellent match and on top of that tell an excellent story, where we could have Black picking up the W. thanks to The Undertaker helping out Black with The O.C [just because they have enemies in common] so Black has respect from The Undertaker and vice versa so we have this old generation coming together with the new generation and an excellent wrestling moment.

But this is why I am angry, because I don't see it happening; they will go for something much more easier; I see The O.C getting involved; Styles picking up the W. and then maybe to stop the beat down on Black the lights go out and The Undertaker appears in the middle of the ring and attacks The O.C but Black gets treated as a minor note in this situation as if he may as well not be there.

I know, I know they have to build up to AJ Styles vs. The Undertaker at this year's WrestleMania, but at least my way Black gets a rub from The Undertaker and now I have spent more time thinking about it; it wouldn't be a bad idea to have Black back up The Undertaker [in his corner at WrestleMania 36 whilst Styles has Gallows & Anderson in his, the more time I am thinking about this stipulation/potential situation it would be a great idea.]

Because it would get more names on the card and I am going to put this as respectfully as I can, it would hopefully if worked correctly cover up The Undertaker's limited wrestling style now.

Yes I have no doubt that Styles could make The Undertaker look something like The Undertaker from years gone by. But I am specifically talking about managing the construction of this match and the more Chess pieces that are on the board, the less chance of leaving The Undertaker character/performer exposed, I am trying to avoid having kayfabe shattered on the biggest stage of them all in professional wrestling WrestleMania as it relates to The Undertaker's legacy at this pay-per-view, basically I don't want to see a repeat of The Undertaker vs. Goldberg at WWE Super ShowDown 2019 where the only thing that got to Rest In Peace was Kayfabe in that match [if you have no idea what I'm talking about go and take a look at this match, I should warn you it isn't for the weak of heart.]

The SmackDown Tag Team Championship
Elimination Chamber Match: my pick is The Miz & John Morrison, really what the hell; why the hell has this match being booked?!! Yes let's be positive for two seconds scratch that a second this match should be highly entertaining.

But seriously why has it been booked?! Because unlike The Street Profits The Miz individually has plenty of stock within this company so they are not going to treat him this way and likewise they aren't going to treat John Morrison this way either considering he is someone they have just brought in which he is a superstar in his own right and they have just been reformed as a tag team so they are not going to even consider making them transitional Champions or just to cover my back they shouldn't be because it would devalue this recently reformed tag team straight away.

Shinsuke Nakamura, Cesaro & Sami Zayn vs.
the Intercontinental Champion
Braun Strowman 3-on-1 Handicap Match: my pick is Braun Strowman, apologies for repeating myself but why has this match been booked? Yes I don't have much access to the WWE anymore or time for them, so I only know roughly what is happening in these situations, I am aware that this was not the original plan for Strowman, he was meant to be one of the participants in the Men's Elimination Match 2020 before subject to change, but I can't be the only one thinking this is so tedious.

I would have set up a Gauntlet Match involving these competitors, but with the short-term narrative [the pay-per-view and potentially in the future,] where Strowman thinks he has one this match, but Zayn gets on the mic and says "I have a surprise for you Strowman." Suddenly Keith Lee's music hits, they have a match with  Strowman picking up the W. Zayn being frustrated/angry by this gives Lee a mouthful and then he puts a finger on him, Lee gives you look to the audience to say "he is regret doing that" he punches Zayn in the face.  Nakamura & Cesaro attack Lee, Strowman and Lee clear the ring.

Lee gets on the mic and says to Strowman's face "I jumped at this opportunity to show more to the WWE Universe of what I can bring to the table. With that Lee hands of the mic to Strowman and with that Strowman says with a little smile on his face "I get it, let's do it again some other time, because that was fun." So you have the Intercontinental Champion and the NXT North American Champion celebrating in the ring holding up both of their Championships. Yes I don't know much about Keith Lee, but of what I hear/see he is a ready-made superstar.

Women's Elimination Chamber Match Winner faces Raw Women's Champion Becky Lynch at WrestleMania: my pick is Shayna Baszler, what a complete and utter waste of time this Main Event is and before I receive any form of negative comeback, as you will see whilst reading this it has nothing to do with their gender.

So let's get back to this match shall we; basically as far as I can see it minus Baszler they have put every other competitor in this match under the bus. Based on these facts; this company have been blatant/transparent on who they want to wrestle Lynch at WrestleMania, which I have no problem with this match up [for me this match should be on second from last and have McIntyre vs. the WWE Champion Lesnar as the last match of the night, so as you can see I really don't have a problem with this match.] But I have a massive problem with how they have gone around it, all because they had to keep Charlotte happy with her winning this year's Women's Royal Rumble Match, well isn't that handy when you're last name is Flare; enough said.

So let me get this right unless I have missed something which is quite possible; you have a returning to pay-per-view of Ruby Riott, Liv Morgan with a relatively new persona and Sarah Logan they are all going to lose right? So with these three characters/performers having either having a clean slate or a relatively clean slate or not doing much; you are going to book them to lose here? I get the reason why but also this is just stupid!!

 This company have a returning character/performer and instead of pushing/putting this character/performer somewhere higher and putting some stock in her to make one of your Women's Divisions competitive they are just going to keep her where she is before she was injured.

We have this newly repackaged character/performer which they spend many, many weeks with these vignettes just to bring her back to firstly be in this love square angle, for her to lose here.

Then we have somebody that has done very little [not her fault and what I know of] yet somehow finds herself in this match, so they have sent her out to lose. Asuka can take the loss here because as it stands she is going to WrestleMania as one half of the WWE Women's Tag Team Champions and for Natalya she can take the loss, I mean she is more than likely going to be on the WrestleMania 36 card anyway in some form or another.

I will leave this blog on a positive let's say I didn't know as much information or knowledge as I do about this Main Event Match it looks on paper that it belongs here in the Main Event slot and it looks good.

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