Wednesday 19 February 2020

The Adventures of André & Wally B. 1984/1991 [alternative name André and Wally B.] by AverageMansReviews

The Adventures of André & Wally B. 1984/1991 [alternative name André and Wally B.] by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is good, this project is only roughly 2 minutes long.

Fundamental elements: there is background music, place jump and time jump

Storyline: it is an autumn's morning we the viewers meet André just waking up and let's just say he has a bad start to his day.

Artistic visions/Comedy level/Character developments/
Voice performances: these four components go hand-in-hand in one way or another. The artistic visions/animation; let's get the white elephant out of the room and say yes the animation is looking vintage by today's standards [yes I am aware using a word such as vintage means something gets better over time or something to the effect.] But I use it in the context of respect or in any cases where I watch any old project not just animation but generally speaking any.

Because of the fact in history [yes depending where you are; they just may be didn't have the resources or the technology that we have today.] But back to this project in question; so yes it may look a little bit vintage but it isn't without its charms such as for three examples the autumn colour system or both of our characters having big eyes and big noses.

Comedy level; for a moment it breaks the fourth-wall as André looks down the camera at us [after doing this look over there with his body language/facial expressions with pointing his finger] to put this across via body language, facial expression [smiling] with his laugh through his teeth with doing all of this; it puts over to the viewers "I know, I can't believe he fell for that either." Before quickly running away whilst still laughing

Character developments & Voice performances; now as you can see/read from the previous paragraph these are all good on both counts; these two characters are really likable and there is good chemistry/friction. There are no words being spoken yes sound effects but no words, but good work here.

This film receives: 6/10, as I have already said this film is good; I just wish there was more of this project, because there was lots of potential here, by extending the running away/chasing element by doing this putting things in the way that kind of thing so the chaser [Wally B.] has a lot to do to sting his target and if you're wondering, yes if they made this project longer in any way shape or form so maybe not using my idea but generally made this project longer I would have given it a slightly higher mark, it's just roughly 2 minutes or less isn't much to go on, but as I have already said there was a lot of potential here. [On a quick side note both of these titles are either weird considering there is no adventure here or it is straight to the point, I would have named this project "Bad Start to an Autumn's Day" instead of either one of these two titles.]

Last updated: Monday 24/02/2020

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