Thursday 20 February 2020

Hot Shots! 1991 by AverageMansReviews

Hot Shots! 1991 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is lots of fun

Warning: there are elements of animal cruelty/cannibalism in the comedy level of this project

Fundamental elements: there are numbers and words on screen, voice-over elements, mental imagery, background music, cultural elements, yes and no to subtitles being used when another language is being used, time jumps and place jumps.

Movement; this in itself is a smooth ride, because every component of this title knows what it is doing from beginning to end

Storyline/Back stories: the storyline is a parody of Top Gun 1986 and it is really good, the back stories get shown to the viewers by mental imagery or discussed in the dialogue exchanges.

Comedy level/Action sequences/Artistic visions: the comedy level and the action sequences go hand-in-hand; the artistic visions also go hand-in-hand with the comedy level now and again.

Generally speaking on all three components because in one way or another there is lots to choose from. The Comedy level has a continuous presence be it inhaling on this peace pipe or our lead role/character trying to impress this female character/performer on his motorcycle, whilst she is doing horseback riding; it turns into a competition of "whatever you can do I can do better" and without giving too much away she wins hands down.

This title also uses for some strange reason a recurring comedy element of characters/performers almost sitting on this small dog, yes just for the record this dog is absolutely fine he/she barks to inform this individual "I am sitting here" then he gets moved out of the way. There is another dog in this project as well he/she is chasing this Fighter Jet as it is taking off from this Navy ship into combat, to be more specific it is chasing its wheels and one final thing about the comedy level it is all over the place including if you look around the scenes, a little bit of breaking the fourth-wall and the dark element I have already mentioned earlier on in this review.

Action sequences; there is training, boxing, combat, Fighter Jets and other Navy hardware and the artistic visions come from; the viewers see from the perspective of this characters/performer's vision, instruments being played, singing and dancing.

Character developments/Performances: the character developments and the performances are excellent, I mean there is excellent chemistry/friction yes depending where you are; is depending what you get, but having to keep in character being serious whilst simultaneously being comical and moving on in this scene or in the bigger picture the film has to be given high praise indeed.

This film receives: 10/10, this film is a classic as it relates to parodies and if you haven't seen it yet, this is one of those films that you need to see once in your lifetime. [On a quick side note there are three performers in this project that at one point worked on the US TV program Two and a Half Men in Sheen, Cryer and Stiles.]

Last updated: Sunday 23/02/2020

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