Thursday 16 January 2020

Men in Black: International 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Men in Black: International 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is mixed

Fundamental elements: there are words and numbers on screen, cultural elements, voice-over elements, yes and no to subtitles being used when another language is being used, slow-motion effects, mental imagery, time jumps and place jumps.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: now on both counts these show imagination and creativity, be it the arsenal car [basically without giving too much away a Men In Black vehicle which holds different weapons] or the science fiction modified motorbike in a chasing sequence or I like the pictures in a main character's office, in short there is a lot to see and experience in one way or another in this project.

Storyline/Character developments/Performances
/Voice Performance/Comedy: well I'm not looking forward to dictating the rest of this review, just because I know in the current world we are living in there is a very high risk of me getting some feedback of some description which throughout the next section at one point or another I will highlight if you choose to do this [which you are more than welcome to do,] I would strongly not recommended [I say this as advice not in a threatening tone just giving you a friendly heads up, the more you read the more it will become crystal-clear.]

The reason why I have linked these four points together in this review, is because I can't bring up one without the other or others. Yes the storyline is the run-of-the-mill for this kind of film so in theory it is okay, but if you look/listen closer it keeps dropping donkey diarrhea piles on its legacy.

To be honest I don't know where to start and I'm not going to bring up every single point; the fact that our lead female role pretty much just throws away the Noisy Cricket Gun as if it was nothing and gets a bigger gun of some description [if Agent J. can use it I don't see why Agent M. shouldn't be put through the same ropes even though Agent J. wasn't too best please at the time when he first received it,] that is beside the point all new Agents should be given a version of the Noisy Cricket Gun regardless of gender, it is a part of a hazing/welcoming to the family that kind of thing.

Men In Black now I have absolutely no problem with saying this; they should absolutely not change this name to include Women, because under this idea I should be able to go and change anywhere to include the words Wheelchair or Mental Health because I don't feel somewhere represents me as an individual in the name of their business or whatever, do you know how crazy that sounds. Yes absolutely there are places that have a specific purpose which would indicate they assist predominantly men or women or children or both or other in their name. But in this case we are talking about Men In Black, here is a great idea if you don't like the name don't work for them? [Just for the record I am in a wheelchair and I have mental health issues, I only use these cards when I feel it is necessary,] I have just had a better idea, I mean this is such a crazy idea it may just work; how about coming up with a new franchise so in this case it includes everybody in the name [sarcastic tone is very much intended here.]

Which swiftly moves me onto the Queen thing as it relates to our lead female character and this other character, so on one hand this film talks about women as equals and then it pulls this thing with this character that takes our lead female character as his new Queen, which I should just point out she doesn't want this; this character says something to the effect of "You should have said."

But here's my point; after this at no point did she of what I can remember say Please stop it or attempt to educate this character about her just being her and getting somewhere in life because she has worked hard or just being seen as an equal or even though no one will know she has made the difference in the universe, she will know [well that is before she gets Neuralyzed,] you see if they did what I have just suggested then I would back this thing more, but as it is it has no legs to stand on.

I have a big problem with this Queen thing or any wording connected to that, so in a nutshell it puts this lead female character in an undeserved high status, somewhere between wanting the same as her peers even though she just got in the door to being a Queen.

I have another point to make; without giving too much away our lead partnership or trio are having this discussion and our lead male character is being really genuine about this situation [I can't tell you too much more than that because that is an element of the storyline,] but this lead female character ends up just laughing at him and to be honest I really couldn't care less for her reasoning.

Because you cannot have women wanting equal things or whatever on one side of the coin, whilst on the other side of the coin; telling men they should be more open to expressing themselves and then laughing at them when they do.

So generally speaking I don't know what I can tell you about these character developments/performances/voice performance/comedy level, besides the issues with the character developments I have already discussed, I would say away from these issues the other character developments and performances are doing their job [minus two characters/performers I will discuss them later,] the voice performance is good. The comedy level there are little bits and pieces such as one example this little character getting out of a jar, but I apologize for bringing this up again, because of the previous issues I have discussed in this review at length the comedy level is there, but it can be mixed in with these issues as well.

Hemsworth and T. Thompson; well this project sucked this excellent  connection out of this dynamic duo, I can say this; because I have seen Thor: Ragnarok 2017 and I can't remember too much about it [what can I say I watch way too many projects,] but based on I gave this sequel a 10 out of 10, but back onto this film the chemistry/friction is there, but it is a paint by numbers kind of thing and it isn't just these two characters/performers that have this problem I would say the cast have this problem as well [just before someone points this out yes I am aware that I have just used a DC reference as it relates to two MCU characters.]

So I think I'm going to cut Hemsworth and T. Thompson some slack, because as I have already gave evidence to suggest together on a better project they can do much better.

This film receives: 5/10, I could have given this film a different mark but this mark is fair, but when it does something negative it really does set this film back [I should just point out I have no idea what this project is, from this perspective a prequel, a sequel or a reboot, or whatever it wants to be so I just went with film..]

On a quick side note I am not trying to compete with anyone for equality or equal rights, but all I'm going to say is there are many different types of people out there that are looking for equality or equal rights it shouldn't just be focused on women for like 95% of the time and before you get angry on your keyboard, I am not talking as a Caucasian man now I am talking from the perspective of a wheelchair/a person with mental health issues as well.

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