Monday 20 January 2020

G.I. Joe: Retaliation 2013 by AverageMansReviews

G.I. Joe: Retaliation 2013 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this sequel is lots of fun

Fundamental elements: there are words on screen, voice-over elements, cultural elements, background music, no subtitles when another language is being used, slow-motion effects, time jumps and place jumps.

The movement; this sequel has been structured supremely better than its predecessor in every way shape and form, consequently it is much, much easier to take in what is happening and it just moves with gusto throughout its time frame of roughly 110 minutes.

Back stories/Origin storyline/Storyline: the back stories range from this voice-over and this computer Intel profiles to news reports to public address to dialogue exchanges to dialogue exchanges and monologues with mental imagery which turns into an origin storyline

Now I have a lot to say about the storyline; yes this is a sequel [now here's the confusing part] it can also be seen as a soft reboot in a way; we don't see or hear anything about a supporting character from the previous film title which played a large part in the project, another character gets left behind in this sequel [so it was pointless doing his families legacy at the beginning of the film/his origin storyline near to the end of the previous film] and a main character/performer has a limited storyline in this sequel [I should just point out everything I have said here will make sense if you watch G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra 2009 first or you have watched it and in short I am trying not to give too much away here.]

Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow [with other characters/performers] get their own narrative, yes they merge with the other storyline at some point, but you have what is happening with the G.I. Joes and then you have what is happening with these two characters/performers and we have this question mark/continuation ending [in the passing of a gun in a box between two characters/performers.] From now on I will be just bringing up some of the narratives or on a project to project basis, just so that I don't have to discuss everything or it gives me a little bit of flexibility if I discuss the storyline as a whole or just in case I forget a little bit here or a little bit there, I don't discuss every detail anyway but you know what I mean; not a big problem that kind of thing, obviously I will put something down for you to read, but just giving myself some flexibility to work with.

Action sequences/Artistic visions/Comedy level: there are plenty of weapons being used and things like choppers, on the water and underwater action sequences, outer space sequences, here are some things for you to look out for; Firefly uses his motorbike to make an entrance into Einsargen Subterranean Prison [his motorbike separates into multiple sections and acts like rockets from many rocket launchers if they were going to shoot one rocket at the same time, he is also wearing a little parachute] or much later on; our lead character/role is driving this modified tank [it looks to be more agile than the standard tanks,] I should just say to cover my back I am not a tank expert, but it looks good nonetheless.

The artistic visions; well they made Cobra Commander look/sound like the real deal we get to spend a little bit of time seeing things from his perspective as well. Now this is an action sequence/artistic visions we have Snake Eyes and Jinx [with Storm Shadow in this sleeping bag thing] with these Ninjas sent out with a mission to get Storm Shadow back.

So you have these characters/performers running, jumping swinging and climbing [using these harnesses and these long accessories in their hands to go over these Slipwire routes in mid air chasing, these Ninjas used these Firearm Grappling Hooks as well] running across these rock/mountains doing combat all over these beautiful scenes [on a quick side note yes if somebody was to come along and cut your wire or the individual makes an error they will die and take surrounding characters/performers with them in some cases, so when I say cross these scenes the only thing keeping them up on the side is wire and connection.] I have to say like its predecessor I do like the Asian sections of this sequel.

Comedy level; there is this videogame scene or in the dialogue exchanges.

Character developments/Performances: the character developments are good, the performances are likewise all good; good chemistry/good friction.

This film receives: 10/10, this is just speculation here but I am quietly confident someone, somewhere said something to this effect "Now we have done the worst live-action G.I. Joe film in history in G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra 2009, could we set our sights much, much higher?" So they did and they came out with this.

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