Monday 20 January 2020

G.I. Joe: The Movie 1987 by AverageMansReviews

G.I. Joe: The Movie 1987 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is excellent

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, cultural elements, background music, no subtitles when another language is being used, mental imagery, environmental, time jumps and place jumps.

The movement; it is quick pace, but it knows what it is doing from beginning to end.

Warning: there is a character that goes through this metamorphosis slowly but surely; but more importantly this project may be a problem for people that have a medical issue with flashing effects or something like this; just to cover my back this is just a heads up [this feels like one of those occasions where I should dictate a disclaimer if anyone should watch this or any other project I have reviewed and I have or 99.9% of the time haven't dictated a warning or they watch this project, I will not be held responsible it is just in this case this title has effects which may or may not be an issue.]

Origin storylines/Back stories/Storyline: the origin storylines get shown to the viewers with this mental imagery with a dialogue exchange or monologues with this viewer thing that shows us. The back stories get discussed or get discussed with this sequence of what happened or we have a second character in this monologue with this small sequence of what she is talking about.

Now as it relates to the storyline; on every single level there is always something happening over here, over there or somewhere else, yes more often than not I would be a little bit more specific. But as it relates to this film it is easier if I just say that there is so much happening and this way it gives their characters space and time to breathe and to get on with what they are doing at that time in this film, there is a moment the potential unwanted sexual behaviour [it's sinister] but this female character takes care of the problem and then the male character knows who it is, it just feels like a no-no and there is another scene where a male character slaps a female character's posterior this just feels outdated, I am not being a prude or anything like this and I know this character is messing around and I have said similar comments to this one in this scene before as well, but let's just say this scene hasn't aged that well and the ending feels like a quick wrap-up but it is good nonetheless

Action sequences/Artistic visions/Comedy level: on both counts these have lots to offer this project be it this battle sequences training and other things; here is something for you to look out for providing you watch these films; in all three films be it this one or the live-action films; G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra 2009 or G.I. Joe: Retaliation 2013, they all use in one way or another a parachute.

The artistic visions; they instantaneously transport you the audience from our world into their reality as I have already said there is a lot happening, but as it relates to this section of this review, there has to be given a lot of high praise putting these scenes or sequences together as they come across as manic, highly detailed and highly imaginative.

There are elements of comedy like when we have this lovely looking and lovable dog character his name is Order; he goes searching for this dynamite [set to explode when the timer runs out] and he keeps bringing it back when it is thrown away by another character his name is Beach Head [an instructor.]

Character developments/Voice performances: on both counts and on both sides be it on the G.I Joes or Cobra side of things there is a lot of friction and there is chemistry also. But it is good to see that not everyone can get along, yes it is to be expected on the Cobra side of things because they are a terrorist organization/evildoers. But I like how the G.I. Joes are good men and women, but that doesn't mean they have to get along all the time and the voice performances on both sides reflect the emotions and intensity of that perfectly, yes there is friction between G.I Joe and Cobra, but there is also a short-term arrangement which benefits two characters [one from each side,] this alliance is not exactly easy going but it shows in another world and time they could have worked together instead of against one another.

This film receives: 8/10, as I began this review with this film is excellent I will end by saying the same this film is excellent, but it is also worthwhile saying this; this project just reminds me of how lucky I was to grow up in the decade of the 1980's cartoons and the generations after me have no idea what they have missed out on. On a quick side note I notice that yes this is a Hasbro project and production but I saw this as well Marvel Productions

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