Saturday 24 August 2019

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 9 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 9 by AverageMansReview

WWE: well I left one comment about this company and AEW on social media "Can I just point out that #AEW don't care what the #WWE are doing so this suggestion of a pecking order is irrelevant, because the new kids on the block have already stated they are doing their own thing, so this statement is useless and a waste of time." [This is my own correspondence/materials so I can do what I want with it.]

But I will continue; the comeback I received from this was mostly negative, with the general consensus [so I am not quoting anyone here and the likes against me] that if AEW were doing  their own thing, they would not be bringing up the WWE, which I had been thinking about this of course they will bring up the WWE it's like talking about an elephant in the room, eventually everyone is going to talk about the elephant in the room [I will discuss this more later on.]

I have to say that I find it strange that most people seem to forget that the WWE are not that perfect, if you want me to be really honest they got incredibly lazy after WWE purchased WCW in 2001.

If I was the WWE in 2001, I would have been thinking "How can I slowly instigate a strategic stranglehold on professional wrestling/entertainment?" This is what I would have done, but before I continue remember these were "strategic stranglehold." So from 2002 until today I would have been offering any wrestling company a partnership of sorts, where these two companies [the WWE and another company] could share their wrestling talents or anything like this and the WWE can do this with another company, so we now have three wrestling companies all connected in one way or another.

Now for those people thinking "The WWE don't need these two other companies."This is true but however if you put these to other companies under the WWE umbrella of sorts, meaning they can run separate businesses and so on, they can even do business with one another, but here is something that would have worked out for the WWE long-term, you would specifically point out in a contract that whilst this wrestling company has a business relationship with the WWE, the business and the contents of the business on every single level cannot work with another wrestling company outside of the WWE umbrella and yes this goes for the performers as well [they could put in their contracts if they become free agents they are not allowed to work for any wrestling company for a period of four months in a country or place where there is a wrestling company under the WWE umbrella.]

I mean you could even have characters/performers floating between wrestling companies under the WWE umbrella. So if this was a thing when it came to 2019 and you had a new wrestling company trying to start out, they would already have a mountain to climb because the WWE would have this strategic stranglehold on wrestling, it just leaves one question yes the WWE would have less money than what they have now if they did this, but what would you rather have lots and lots and lots of money or lots of money with a strategic stranglehold on the wrestling business providing you can get enough wrestling companies to have a working relationship with [under the WWE umbrella,] so it is very much a case of work with us or against us that mentality

Back into reality; throughout the years they should have been making their product better and better [yes even though I have not watched their programming for some time,] but by all accounts it is improving but they should have been the trailblazers instead of making this women's revolution a complete sham they should be headlining their weekly programming on a consistent basis, headlining their pay-per-views on a consistent basis and slowly integrating women vs. men and on a quick side note have two Tag Team Division one each for men and women and make them competitive and thriving, so by doing this; it sends out a very strong message to any of their current or future competitors "We are the WWE we play hard and we fight harder!"I will predict right here and right now when Rousey comes back to the WWE; the women's revolution thing will start up again.

I get what they are doing with NXT, by taking it off The Network and putting it on TV, I get it and it makes sense, but does anyone else think this is on one side a little bit childish and on the other side incredibly risky considering NXT over many years has been the gold standard of the three brands in the WWE?

Now on to something slightly a bit different, I am not against the WWE but if you ever wondered why I am not overly positive about this company it boils down to two things; 1. They could do so much better with the things that they have at their disposal and 2. Whenever I am slightly positive or positive or absolutely anything like this they find a way to screw it up somehow, like I am expecting them to screw up Bray Wyatt "Firefly Funhouse" or “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt somewhere and somehow and yes I have seen his first match [The Fiend Bray Wyatt vs. Finn Bálor WWE SummerSlam 2019,] there is so much potential here that the possibilities are endless. I don't mean to have this mind set, but I have been exposed to this company for a long time and I have always been amazed how they screw things up in different ways.

Like for an example I am terrified of how NXT could turn out now it has moved to TV and extended by one hour, even though it is true I don't subscribe to The Network Triple H. has turned NXT into something that if the rest of their programming was of the standard the WWE would be untouchable and just for the record, the reason why I know this; is because NXT universally has been given incredibly high praise for a long time now.

So just based on these two examples; please, please WWE don't screw these up and it looks like I have to apologize to this company; Buddy Murphy had to stay off from TV to bulk up [I watched someone else's material to find this out.]

All Elite Wrestling: now on to this company, I was under the impression that this company were giving individual health insurance, but I was wrong I am just covering my back here just in case I have made reference to this before or not.

On more research now [after some head pointed this out to me] they don't give health insurance to their characters/performers, but they have something in place like the WWE, but this is the important difference; it feels like they want to change it; it may just take years, but their characters/performers are of the highest priority to them [and before I receive any comments or feedback, I am not saying that the WWE don't have the same opinion,] I'm just saying AEW making it clearly a very top priority.

Now I'm going to talk about the elephant in the room, as far as I'm concerned AEW can make any reference or anything like this about WWE and vice versa. Once again before I receive any complaints or feedback or anything, let me put things like this; many, many moons ago Manchester City were like AEW and Manchester United were like the WWE where Manchester City were like the noisy neighbours and the new kids on the block, but move forward to the present day there is still this rivalry which will never die, but Manchester City have established themselves in their own right and are doing their own thing. Basically I can see the same or something similar happening to AEW and the WWE [if I have any soccer fans/supporters reading this; this analogy came to me and it is something possible.]

There is only one thing I have left to say and I have no doubt it will infuriate some people out there, how much you may not want to hear this; the WWE needed someone like AEW to come along with their financial muscle and ambition to forced the WWE to wake up and I am aware that I am not the only one that thinks something similar to this. But it is true since AEW have been around the WWE has been forced to change, be it long-term and lucrative contracts for anyone who signs with them or re-signs with them or moving their third brand onto TV just to go head-to-head with AEW [yes as I have already said I am terrified what could happen to the third brand, but in this paragraph am talking about change.] So even though a AEW haven't been around that long they are slowly but surely changing the wrestling industry which can only be a good thing for everyone.

Last updated: Sunday 25/08/2019, I have updated this blog ever so slightly, but I was thinking I would also take the time to point out that I had indeed got rid of some of my material/correspondents to the situation at the top of this blog, I was wrong about the AEW health insurance thing and sometimes for some strange reason it irritates me when my contents on social media isn't up to my standards, it just depends what mind set I am in really

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