Monday 26 August 2019

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 33: The Yolk's on You! by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 33: The Yolk's on You! by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is mixed

5 things about this episode

Storyline: generally speaking the storyline is okay, Tommy gets a narrative for some of this episode

Character developments/Comedy level: this monster for this episode; it is confusing. Because even though Finster [the creator of most of Rita Repulsa's monsters,] created this monster, this monster shows evidence of not being evil, so without giving too much away if The Power Rangers had what he wanted and given him what he wanted or anyone given him what he wanted, he would have possibly just gone away. Which leads on to a bigger question of a rhetorical nature [because we will never find out,] "Why would Finster design a character with such a massive character flaw in the first place?"

Moving on to the comedy level we have Bulk & Skull [involving Mr. Kaplan,] here's a rough description Bulk & Skull are behind this curtain/backstage they are doing something Mr. Kaplan goes up to them, he does question what they are doing here and by the end of this scene, Skull bangs these symbols together, Bulk and Mr. Kaplan give off the impression that they can feel the vibrations with Mr. Kaplan's toupee falling off. Whilst I'm here, I have updated a previous episode as it relates to Mr. Kaplan, because he wasn't just the Principal, he was also a Fill-in Teacher, I did look this up on someone else's material, I have no idea why I miss this or just didn't know it or something else, but it is here now and I have left the updated episode at the bottom of this review; Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 6: Food Fight.

Artistic visions/Action sequences: on both counts I can really appreciate the camera shots, where the audience are watching the Dragonzord and this monster battle it out and the viewers can see this dam and surrounding water, it is something subtle yet created.

This episode receives: 5/10, this monster character doesn't really bring too much to this episode, yes he does fulfil the basic requirements such as giving The Power Rangers a monster to destroy. But that is about it, he does complain or something to that effect and it is just there; it is that kind of thing, it is difficult to describe because of his character developments, I just don't want to seem too harsh really but what I can tell you is this; these character developments are weird, on a quick side note I would have greatly preferred Goldar or Scorpina or both to fulfil the monster role for this episode instead of this monster, yes you don't get destruction of a monster, but you know where you stand with Goldar or Scorpina or both of them.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 6: Food Fight Link

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