Tuesday 6 August 2019

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 29: Island of Illusion: Part II by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 29: Island of Illusion: Part II by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this is another mixed episode

5 things about this episode

Storyline/Moral message: well on one hand the storyline is cheesy and mixed with clips from previous episodes, whilst on the other hand the moral message of "Self-confidence" plays a big part in this episode which in theory I don't mind; but the way they really, really push this moral message home is something I really do mine.

Artistic visions/Action sequences: on both counts without giving too much away Rita Repulsa makes herself bigger to destroy something this in itself shows great creativity and imagination.

Comedy level: the only element which is good is Kimberly's hallucination [involving Bulk & Skull acting completely out of character and assisting this; I have no idea what this is and I have replayed and replayed and replayed the scene and I can't make it out, but the sign that says " Home" on it with an arrow pointing the way, was a good touch as well,] I have looked at the scene again and I could be wrong but I think it may be a rock of some description and I have just gotten someone else to look at the scene and between us both we will stick with a rock.

This episode receives: 4/10, I am just going to say it as it is; it helps that this episode has 5 minutes and 20 seconds left roughly to show some real positive things, yes I know we had the Kimberly's hallucination involving Bulk & Skull earlier in this episode, but this time amount in this paragraph really made an impact.

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