Monday 5 August 2019

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 28: Island of Illusion: Part I by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 28: Island of Illusion: Part I by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is mixed

5 things about this episode

Storyline: in short it is okay.

Character developments: now just for something a little bit different there is a character in this episode that goes by the name of Quagmire [not the same character from Family Guy the TV program.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: these are on both counts are a big positive or positives for this episode, be it this technically three-on-two situation Rita Repulsa is here on Earth, but it is this monster and mystical entity that are taking on the Megazord and Dragonzord; this entire sequence has action and it looks really good as well.

Comedy level: in this example Rita shouts out "Finster I made my own monster and its winning."

This episode receives: 5/10, there are two things I want to point out here; the first thing is this; this was a slightly difficult episode to mark I was stuck between this mark and one higher, at one point I did change my mind but I wasn't confident with it so I went with this mark. It's like saying on one day I could go for this mark the next day or the next time I watch it I could change my mind who knows. But for here and now I have gone with this and the second thing I want to say is this; just to cover my back I'm not convinced/not sure I may have or not seen this combination yet, but anyway I may as well be honest I am a little bit confused here.

Now I have been doing some research as it relates to the Mega Dragonzord, because I am a little bit confused, because there seems to be two different combinations which are very different but in the TV program has the same name, the first one is with this Power Staff and the second is where basically some of the Dragonzord fits around the Megazord to create this armour. On more research I have finally figured out there is one way you can distinguish them with two different names, the first version has the name Dragonzord Battle Mode whilst the second version has the name Ultra Dragonzord.]

This has somewhat irritated me, because I was thinking I missed something out and I had to go and look briefly [not to watch] the next episode just to find out what this combination was called [this is not something I like to do, I like to focus on here and now,] but on more research I found out that this combination was being used in the next episode, so after about somewhere in the region of one hour of trying to find out this combination's name, then to find out it had the same name in theory, then just to take these secondary names and check them against other websites [just to make sure the information/source was correct.] So my rhetorical question is this; "Why didn't they come up with proper first names for these Zords/combinations?"I mean the amount of time it has taken me to research this I could have almost finished another episode blog of this TV program, I don't mind researching bits and pieces, but when it is something like this where all it would have taken is two completely different names for two different combinations then you can see why I am a little bit disgruntled especially when it has just taken me two seconds to realize all they had to do was switch the secondary names and drop their first name/names to so the problem]

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