Thursday 1 August 2019

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 25: Life's a Masquerade by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 25: Life's a Masquerade by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this is another good episode

4 things about this episode

Comedy level: Bulk & Skull [involving Kimberly in one scene] Jason and Zack [as Zack is more interested in a woman than what he should be doing,] but all these elements are good

Action sequences/Artistic visions: now straight off the bat before I mention anything else, I need to make sure I mention this right here and right now. The Power Rangers have a upgraded Zord [which uses other Zords to make this combination,  the Dragonzord, Mastodon, Triceratops, and Sabertooth Tiger Dinozords] it goes by the name of Mega Dragonzord [Dragonzord Battle Mode] with a handheld weapon as well [Power Staff; here is a basic description of this; a staff with a large pointed drill on the end of it.]

Yes on a quick side note I had to look this up, if you have been with me long enough you know how much I don't like taking credit for other people's material or work, I know I don't bring this up every time I do something like this but now and again it is okay.

But generally speaking now the action sequences and the artistic visions show great imagination as they work together to create these entertaining and imaginative action sequences, the camera work is something else that should be given high praise. Because with all these elements working together they really do bring these action sequences to life [here are just two examples] where it could be this monster kicking the Megazord whilst it is down or this monster swinging the Dragonzord around by his tail, to firstly hit the Megazord and then secondly to swing around and release the Dragonzord.

Storyline: briefly it is good, here are two things for you to look/here out for; Alpha 5 goes out in public and Bulk & Skull; Skull says "Great idea to come to this party dressed as punks Bulk" now may I just point out that these two individuals are closer to dressing as Rockers and not Punks [they are in their usual clothing.]

This episode receives: 7/10, this episode has plenty to work within this episode slot, so as I said at the beginning of this review; this is another good episode.

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