Saturday 27 July 2019

The Angry Birds Movie 2016 [alternative name by Angry Birds] by AverageMansReviews

The Angry Birds Movie 2016 [alternative name by Angry Birds] by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is excellent

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, background music, mental imagery, slow-motion effects, quick moving effects, time jumps and place jumps.

Origin storylines/Storyline: the origin storyline as it relates to Red is a little bit weird, because we the viewers see him at different ages, based on no particular order we see him at different points looking younger or present day [so it could be something like this; present day, younger, present day, present day younger] and then it begins the film at the end of the opening section with him breaking through his eggshell, it is just weird and yes we get to see/hear other origin storylines to why these characters are in anger management. Moving on to the storyline it is something safe and reliable.

Comedy level: the best way for me to describe the comedy is it uses a lot of skits; be it Red kicking a character by a long-distance into the sea because they were kicking a ball against his house or when he is heckling someone, because they destroyed his house and he wants them to fix it or when another main character is bouncing on this trampoline but isn't going too far up in the air [basically he is banging his head against the ceiling] and for some strange reason he is finding it amusing or you have the "Daddy" reference or Red giving his opinion on some sculptures.

Artistic visions/Action sequences: from an artistic perspective this film has plenty of imagination to it; in one way or another, it could be the colourful and eye-catching nature of this project or creative and imaginative balloon makers [here is a rough description of them basically; you will see heads of pigs possibly made out of sheet metal or something like this; on these little carts with wheels and these balloons filled with helium are coming out of their snouts] or for another example this high up location which has lots of water around it; it looks peaceful, but having said that I wouldn't recommend swimming in it or drinking from it. There is also poetry, singing and dancing as well.

The action sequences: there are weapons being used, running to a destination, combat, vehicles and planes, where some of our characters show their special gift/power these are all so creative and engaging.

Character developments/Voice performers: the character developments are good, there is good chemistry/friction [depending where you are is depending what you get,] there is also a dysfunctional nature in the anger management scenes [with each character bringing something to the table] and this kind of chemistry/dysfunctional chemistry between our main trio as well, for one example, you will find what I am making reference to, without giving too much away when they go and investigate this location, you cannot help but see/feel elements of a dysfunctional nature between these three characters with their chemistry.

But once again there is something really weird in this title, it is where we have this sign to this location, it isn't real but these characters in the anger management scenes are treating it as real, [if you look for Chuck's poetry this is what I am referring to] but then again they don't treat it as real, a couple of minutes later as they walk all over it, again this is just weird; the voice performances are all good.

This film receives: 9/10, when I went to go and see this film at the cinema three years ago roughly if my memory is correct I really wasn't too keen on it or just to cover my back I'm pretty sure I went to go and see this film at the cinema [what can I say I see many projects, I try not to remember too much of a previous experience with any project; yes in some cases it can be difficult, but I deal with here and now and that was possibly under another name or format.] But now I see it as a colourful, goofy comedy.

Last updated: Sunday 28/07/2019

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