Monday 29 July 2019

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 22: The Trouble with Shellshock by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 22: The Trouble with Shellshock by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is good

5 things about this episode

Storyline/Bloopers: generally speaking the storyline is good, but there are some bloopers in it, the first one is where this monster says these two words out of a sentence "mutant teenagers", he is referring to The Power Rangers [the last time I looked these characters are human and secondly it is a bit rich for him to be saying this, considering he is a monster that not too long ago was dropped out of this monster making machine, known as Monster-Matic.]

The second blooper is where we have Jason/The Red Power Ranger saying "We need dinosaur power!" But here is the problem he is the only one here unless unknown to their viewers out of desperation they have made Casper the friendly Ghost an honorary Power Ranger for this episode or something, because the other's without saying too much where stopped in time or on the move constantly or training, if you look closely  Jason/The Red Power Ranger looks around slightly and says "All right" as well before doing this long jump up/leap thing to the cockpit of the Tyrannosaurus Dinozord. [So in theory shouldn't it have been "I need dinosaur power!"

Action sequences/Artistic visions: on both counts these show imagination and combined make a massive impact on this episode on the whole, be it this monster having many skills or abilities at his disposal or Trini/The Yellow Power Ranger and her Sabertooth Tiger Dinozord working together and the images of her zord over two scenes [the Sabertooth Tiger Dinozord was sent by Zordon.]

Sports: there are sports elements in this episode.

This episode receives: 7/10, this episode is deserving of this mark [and because I am a reasonable and good guy, I should just point out like I have done with many blogs in my history, present and future I have looked up and done some research, like for an example I found the real name of this monster maker from a website,] even though on more research it tells the audience in the first episode "Day of the Dumpster" the name of this machine as well.

Now obviously I won't be telling you every time I do some research or anything like this, but I also don't like taking the credit for someone else's work at the same time, but the least I could do is be honest with you about it

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