Tuesday 2 July 2019

Holmes & Watson 2018 by AverageMansReviews

Holmes & Watson 2018 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is good.

Fundamental elements: there are words and numbers on screen, voice-over elements, mental imagery, background music, slow-motion effects, quick moving effects, time jumps and place jumps.

Storyline/Comedy level: after seeing this project, I don't get why everyone was saying something to the effect of "This film is poor" or something to this effect and no I am not here to say those people are wrong, because that isn't the way I work and if that is their opinion that is their opinion.

But my point here is this within about five minutes or less of watching this film you kind of learn so much about it from this perspective this is the way this film is. Meaning it doesn't claim to be anything else than what you see is what you get which strangely works out for this title, don't get me wrong if this film try to be for an example something sensible or try to be something sensible at its heart, I wouldn't be so blasé, but it is hard to be critical with the film that as I have already said has a clear identity of what it is from beginning to end so I have to ask this rhetorical question "What were you expecting from this film really?"

The comedy level generally speaking at first, can be seen as from an overview perspective as juvenile to mature to adult. But here are some things for you to look out for; mind games [for one example Homes & Watson are playing chess in their mind] or mind conversations [telepathic conversations,] the selfie sequence of events or two different well-known film references in one way or another, just to be a little bit more specific one is from 1990 and the other is from 1997 [there is a good cameo from one of the stars of the 1997 one.]

Action sequences/Artistic visions: there are weapons being used and combat, moving on to the artistic visions, there are two hot air balloons with two well-known flags on them [one on each] and there is this musical number which is good.

Character developments/Performances: on both counts they are good, there is chemistry or friction between these characters/performers [depending where you are in this title is depending what you get.]

This film receives: 6/10, in short because this project is open and honest about itself throughout, this mark is a fair conclusion

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