Wednesday 19 June 2019

The Score 2001 by AverageMansReviews

The Score 2001 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this title is poor

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, cultural elements, slow-motion effects, no subtitles when another language is being used, background music, time jumps and place jumps.

The movement of this project is so slow, it makes this film really hard work to watch.

Storyline: it is so dull, yes there may be a little bit at the beginning and roughly in the section quarter things happen, but for a large amount of it as I have already said it is so dull and on top of that it leaves things on a question mark of "What happened next?"

Action sequences: briefly at first there are weapons being used, combat and chasing. Now at the beginning section of this title we have one of our lead role's looking down through this instrument attempting to unlock this safe and much later on we have the same lead role in a nutshell stealing this object I would say this section of this project is good to be fair and balanced, but at the same time I need to point out that my interest in this title at this point it had left the building.

Artistic visions: there are music/singing elements in this project they are good of what we hear of them

Character developments: generally speaking they are the standard for this kind of film. The performances are from an overview perspective difficult to call, because minus one character/performer, they range from poor to mixed but there is friction or chemistry between these characters/performers at the same time at some points as well.

The one character/performer that offers a higher standard would be Edward Norton as these different characters he seems to be able to switch comfortably, quickly and completely into these different characters, as one character he does create friction, he does have a moment or seems of chemistry I would say this character is not here to make friends, but as his other character he needs more assistance and guidance and he does switch into another character for one scene [I am having an educated guess here, because there were no subtitles and I don't speak this language, but I think he was asking for directions or something like this.]

Maybe if this film was quicker in any way shape or form it wouldn't have left most of these performances exposed, [this is just speculation] I have to say maybe simply based on the fact we don't know how this film would have turned out if it was quicker but then again I am just working on what is in front of me at this time, so in theory maybe if this film was quicker it would have gave me a lot less time to pick up things or get bored.

This film receives: 2/10, no way should this film have been roughly speaking 124 minutes long, straight off the bat they could have easily taken off somewhere between 24 minutes to 34 minutes just to give this project a sense of get up and go. Because as this film is [or you may have got the hint,] that this film has no life to it [minus a little bit at the beginning and until roughly the final section.] I mean I could justify a slightly higher mark, but it is never a good sign where I had got to the point where I just wanted this film to end so I went for this mark.

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