Thursday 20 June 2019

Primal Fear 1996 by AverageMansReviews

Primal Fear 1996 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this title is excellent

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, cultural elements, slow-motion effects, background music, no subtitles being used when another language is being used, place jumps and time jumps.

Storyline: it is good and it knows what it is from beginning to end

Action sequences: there are weapons being used, helicopters being used, combat and chasing sequences.

Character developments/Performances: generally speaking the character developments and the performances of this cast are good. Now on to Gere and Norton their character developments/performances firstly the character developments are ones of in one way or another dominator and submissive [I should just point out in a non-sexual way, I have just used these words because it is a great way to talk about their character developments and chemistry without giving too much away] and yes I would say when it is time for Gere's character to be submissive it qualifies just based on what he is up against the power of dominator vs. submissive has changed between these two characters/performers even though his character is still on the same level.

Now on to the performances; Gere's is self-assured and arrogant, but more importantly plays the main stable role between these two performers, there is two other recurring characters/performers that will experience some of what Gere experiences as well [McDormand and Linney.] Now onto Norton because the previous three performers are stable it gives Norton license to go through these metamorphosis which on one hand looked to be slightly uncomfortable yet on the other hand seemed to be a natural switch from one to the other [that is as much as I can tell you; you will understand when you come to watch this title,] but in short Norton's performance is of a high caliber [for an example Golden Globe Winner Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture Edward Norton, there are other Winners and Nominations to go with this project as well, yes I researched this.]

This film receives: 8/10, now I watched this title with another person and we came up with the same mark.

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