Saturday 2 March 2019

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 5: Different Drum by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 5: Different Drum by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:  this episode is good

5 things about this episode

Comedy level: I know I have said something to this effect already, but this episode highlights it again where the comedy sequence without Bulk & Skull, in simple terms just doesn't have IT. But the dance-off with Zack vs. Bulk with people around them including Skull has IT.

Power Rangers' weapons/Zords: now unless I have got this completely wrong when The Power Rangers are assembling The Power Blaster I am sure that some of the individual weapons have different names in this episode [so look out for this.] But moving on I should have mentioned this sooner, but I am doing it now The Power Rangers have 4 options or modes with their Zords at their disposal at the moment; 1 individual Zords [Dinozords,] 2 Tank mode, 3 the Megazord Battle mode and 4 the Megazord with the Mega Sword.

Moral message/Storyline: this point is a mixture between a moral message and storyline, the viewers meet this deaf teenager or somewhere around this age and at the beginning she is struggling, but the more you watch of this episode, the more she is accepted for who she is.

This episode receives: 6/10, it has to be said without these deaf teenager elements this episode would be getting a different mark, it just makes its point or points without going on and on about them [just in case someone gets funny about this review, I would like to just point out I have a disability myself and a mental health illness as well, so even though I am not deaf I have plenty of experience.] I'm just saying because I have learned you cannot say anything online without in most cases someone getting the hump about something, so in basic English the deaf teenager character/performer pushes this episode quality up.

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